good question...the question now is what day was it...
i think i had to go to work dear...
someone should work and not just wait for their wishes to be fulfilled after waking up
to your swan neck
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Every gentleman first fulfills his sweetheart's wishes and then goes to work.
so how could I know your wishes when you were still asleep?
This song has unbelieveble drive. I love how it start in calm way and ends in a bit angry way ... it is the same like in life, every start of a new romance is calm, nice full of sweet things, and when it ends, ends by a loud with a screaming ...
#whatareyoulistening #MusicIsMyMuse #brunette #bed
Why do I desire the space?
I was mourning after you
I was lost and lost my shape
There was nothing I could do
I don't want to waste away
It was all I gave to you
Take me back and take my place
I will rise right up for you
But you, amplified in the silence
Justified in the way you make me bruise
Magnified in the science
Anatomically proved that you don't need me
Monday is over us, we survived it and now we are ready to fight with rest of the week...
We can fight with it, or cudlling with it, it depends on everyone, how you handle with it ... Im choosing second option.
Wish you a pleasant evening and then good night with the dreams that will make you ... wet? Hm, why not.
#whatareyoulistening #MusicIsMyMuse #blonde #lingerie #bed #Romance #romantic
It just takes a little bit of this
A little bit of that
It started with a kiss
Now we're up to bat
A little bit of laughs
A little bit of pain
I'm telling you, my babe
It's all in the game of love
Sweet Sentiment
okay lets take on the week ahead !
What happened was, I had a partner and he left and I ended up AFK on a bed in a sex pose. When I checked back, I found myself covered in cum.
#sex #cum #sexpose #pose #bed #afk #fun #hot #hottie #hotornot #hotgirl #hotgirlsummer #follow #for #more
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yeah - today very sweet night - playful princess
https://chohanpohan.com/uploads/posts/2022-02/1643849690_1-chohanpohan-com-p-porno-eroticheskie-par-v-posteli-3.jpg - View all comments(-3)
you and your boyfriend and me with mine, together
, what do you think? -
Sounds interesting, where I can find some boyfriend?
if you send me private message i can introduce you some handsome guy @Nicky1990
If I could have been here in the morning, I would have gladly shown you what kind of mornings I like Nicky