
Just posting a pic here. I hope everyone is having a wonderful time.

#afk #picture #screenshot #fun #hot #hottie #hotornot #hotgirl #hotgirlsummer #follow #for #more #gifts #are #appreciated #thankyou

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Someone said, "If you are doing a pose then you are not AFK."


You can do a pose, leave and do something else like your house chores or even sleep and check back later.

That's AFK while in a pose.

If you want to see what happened while you were AFK in a pose then record it and watch it later.

Thank you for listening to my Ted Talk!

#afk #picture #screenshot #fun #hot #hottie #hotornot #hotgirl #hotgirlsummer #follow #for #more #gifts #are #appreciated #thankyou

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  • U have no activity last time s Ar u ok bbby ?

    created by jebiga 11 months ago

Which tattooed body? Top or Bottom?

#tattoo #top #bottom #afk #picture #screenshot #fun #hot #hottie #hotornot #hotgirl #hotgirlsummer #follow #for #more #gifts #are #appreciated #thankyou

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  • like the tattoo of the top picture more, beautiful Miss

    created by CuckyLoser 10 months ago

I wondered what was he thinking while looking at me like that.

#myroom #afk #picture #screenshot #fun #hot #hottie #hotornot #hotgirl #hotgirlsummer #follow #for #more #gifts #are #appreciated #thankyou

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I bought the Christmas Tree maybe 4 or 5 years ago because I thought I could use it. I was wrong. Now, I can. Thank You!

#afk #picture #screenshot #fun #hot #hottie #hotornot #hotgirl #hotgirlsummer #follow #for #more #gifts #are #appreciated #thankyou #raynuk

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So, I was chatting with someone and I thought we were NOT communicating well. To prevent myself from being rude or impolite, I said goodbye and exited the game.

I just found out he gave me a gift and it was an expensive gift. Thank you!

#chat #afk #picture #screenshot #fun #hot #hottie #hotornot #hotgirl #hotgirlsummer #follow #for #more #gifts #are #appreciated #thankyou

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