Smile please ... another week is here, another fck Monday, another annoying tasks, another stressed situations etc ...
lol ... stop! Im joking
Enjoy everyday, like some wisdomed person said once: "You never know waht day will be your last!" ... so dont feel like lifeless star, and lets shine your positive energy to the surroundings!
Wish you nice and calm new week to all.
#whatareyoulistening #MusicIsMyMuse #blonde #Nicksgirls #perfectbutt #angelface
We are, we are the Lifeless Stars
Shining in the dark
We all, we all have teenage scars
Defining who we are
Don’t let nobody break you down
Even if they wanna make your light go out
We live, we die the Lifeless Stars
Shining in the dark
Wow what a dynamic and power mixed together with craziness ...
Wish you all nice Friday, and dont forget, that tomorrow is weekend
#whatareyoulistening #MusicIsMyMuse
Breathe the pressure
Come play my game I'll test ya
Psychosomatic addict, insane
Breathe the pressure
Come play my game I'll test ya
Psychosomatic addict, insane
@NicklasCZ i can only express a bovine reaction to this: mmmmmmmmmmmm
i found it... interesting. So i gave my like
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Everyone probably knows this old proverb: "How youre calling into forest, that way you will hear it back."
Nobody wants to be treated by bad way. To be polite and behave like a gentleman should be the basics for all men. Even though somebody isnt so nice to you, try to keep your head up the thing and don't lower yourself to reciprocate by the same way. Real gentlemen knows, where to do a step back, and where the push is needed. Either way, women are gems, that deserves the best care what guys can give... so be the gentleman more, than the frustrate.
Wish you nice Monday to everyone.
#whatareyoulistening #MusicIsMyMuse #couple #romantic
I wanna tell you a story
Every man oughta know
If you want a little lovin
You gotta start real slow
She's gonna love you tonight now
If you just treat her right now
Squeeze her real gentle
Gotta make her feel good
Tell her that you love her
Like you know you should
So if you don't treat her right
She won't love you tonight
If you practice my method
Just as hard as you can
You're gonna get a reputation
As a lovin man
And you'll be glad every night
That you treated her right
That would be good advice for a hunter of women's hearts
but still quite "calculated"
I don't really like playing Mr. Perfect
no matter what prize I win in the "women's lottery"
In Croatia, people say "love cannot be bought or sold"..or Morrison's legendary saying"It may be in pieces, but I'm giving you the best of me"
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@NicklasCZ very interesting reflection. I wish you a great week, mr suspicious.
Nobody is perfect Mio, nor me ... not being perfect makes us original. The meaning wasnt about to be "perfect" ...
Na dann euch allen ebenso eine schöne letzte Februarwoche
The most popular working day is here ... Friday. Only the one single thought about the weekend can improve your mood! So try to work a bit at least for a while, and dont let anyone to destroy your mood. Bad mood at Friday can easily turn to the weekend too, and ... nobody wants to have bad mood during weekend.
So be positive spread only the good mood ( on weekend you can spread something other too ) and your Friday will be not only the most popular day, but nicest too ...
Wish you nice day to all.
#whatareyoulistening #MusicIsMyMuse #blonde #3DArt
For so many nights,
I've been standing at the wall
Blind folded with cigarette
Waiting for the fall
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this is a very good song
I know many people won't agree with this, but in my opinion it's the best song Lenny has ever made
The bass just rips through the whole song...the guitar riffs are right where they need to be
hmm Im not such a music expert, Im typical music consumer. I like Lenny for how musician he is. Very multi instrumental guy, and which is composing the songs, we are saying to it in my country, that it have: "head and the heel"
... it is rare in current music, and I can see it in current czech songs too ... the lyrics are the tragedy!
I guess Kravitz himself was aware of how good a song he had made
there used to be that too...for example, I read about the music group "Police" and their then song "Every Breath You Take"...When Sting put the song on the radio stations he thought somehow- "sad" - so I guess there will be something to it
and later the song was included in the Billboard Hot 100
@NicklasCZ, I don't remember what a free weekend is. I'm looking forward to an afternoon Sunday. 🙄🤣🤣🤷🏼♀️🤗
No musical expression should be underestimated, no matter what country it comes from
Slavic languages are not lucky enough to be world famous, although they create equally high-quality music
but that's why the German band Scorpions also wrote songs in English
although I believe those same songs would do very well in the local language
but this is how they became world famous and gained much more success
For good night ...
#whatareyoulistening #MusicIsMyMuse #blackorwhite #blonde
Haha... that the cooking isnt fun?? Heh... everyting we are doing together is the fun! Why to not show how much I love you? The hand around your waist, I will pul you tightly to me, a kiss on your neck, then on your sweet lips and we are falling again ... ooooh dear! Be careful do not to burn onion!!
Wish you all nice Wednesday, full of joy and only the events that making you happy ...
#whatareyoulistening #MusicIsMyMuse #czechmusic #couple #romance
Jsem prý blázen jen, jsem prý blázen jen,
jsem prý blázen jen, má-li být po tvém
"Halbe Narren sind wir alle.
Ganze Narren sperrt man ein.
Aber die dreiviertel Narren,
die bereiten uns viel Pein."
Michail Jewgrafowitsch Saltykow-Schtschedrin (1826 - 1889)
Auch für dich und unseren Freunden einen schönen Mittwoch