#ReadingCorner #Future
As I open my eyes, I do not see her next to me as she was when we'd ended the night, looking oft into the sky, I notice the morning is on it's way, though it is still pitch black as the night that proceeded it. Before my mind could wander to where she was I heard a gun firing off in the forest beneath our balcony. A quiet gun, but my ears had long been attuned to hear such things. I knew where she was...
Why she was there...is another question entirely.
As I followed the sound to the center of the forest I see two bottles laid side by side and her standing in front of them a few yards away, trying to hit them. She had put the board I'd kept up here behind them to catch any stray bullets.
"Work damn you! Please!" she shouted as she continued to fire the gun at a target she kept missing. Drenched in a cold sweat, obviously shaken by something, her mind is nowhere where it needs to be. This is not an act of focus..or practice.. it is one of desperation.
As she continues to fire at the missing target, I find myself behind her with my hands placed over hers. I have no idea how I got there..by the time my mind had registered how I was going to approach her, my heart had already sealed my decision. There was nothing more for me to do.. than to try to give her advice.
"You're forcing it.." I stated. "You don't hit the target just because you want to."
"I'm trying!" She snapped back, obviously frustrated.
"That's the problem." I replied. "You're trying too hard.". She seemed lost, almost at her wits end, though she'd never want to reveal it to me. "It's making something simple into something difficult. Here." I stated as I guided my hand to encase hers with the gun.
What was I doing...here I am, guiding someone on how to use weaponry. Well.. she isn't just someone. But you'd figure it should be against my better judgement to try to show anyone.. especially knowing what it can lead to. Still.. these times are desperate ones..and she has wanted nothing but to help since the start. But..that's not the reason I'm helping her is it.. nothing so innocent...
This girl is dangerous for me...I just wonder if she herself knows that as of yet. My logic doesn't matter..as the words linger in my head, my hands are guiding hers and lining them up with the bottle as advice crosses my lips. "Fighting..weaponry... are the results of a well thought out play that is taken seriously." I start. "Without rehearsal..there is no play.". A metaphor I learned long ago..from a master long gone.. but his words rang truth then, as they do now.
I find myself focusing on her..more so than her form now, as more advice crosses my tongue. "Your mind is so full.. you have to find something that makes you forget, even for a single moment. Clear your mind."
She looks up at me, with a curious look. "How will I know?" she asks.
"You'll know." I answer.
With that she instantly points and fires the gun. She is so tense..immediately trying to see if what I had said had worked. Naturally she missed. She is wound so tight..what has she been through within the past few moments?"
She sighed, almost an exasperated one. Almost as if wishing she had the answer. "I can't..." she uttered. I don't know what has her mind so cluttered..nor do I understand why she has become so eager suddenly to fire weapons at such a spontaneous hour. What I do know is that the only small moment of relaxing I've felt from her in this entire moment, was when my hand first guided onto hers. Her body tensed for a moment..then she realized it was me..and it was almost as if within a sigh, whatever was bothering her, was gone for a moment. It quickly returned..but.. a lot can be done with a moment.. even more can be realized.
My question is..what can be done..what did I realize..and why was this answer causing me to lift her chin gently. Why when I gaze into her defeated eyes does something about them...take me. This girl.. has no idea the effect she has on me. And to an extent..neither do I.
My mind focuses further as I lift her chin and stare into her eyes. She says my name..followed by "What are you.." before I interrupt with my answer.
"I'm playing upon a hunch." I answer.. half smiling. "Don't hit me okay?". I don't know how much time passed between my saying that and my kissing her. Because my mind doesn't grant me such closure.. all I can remember was holding her head against mine as our lips connected. At first, I realized a look of surprise on her face, before my eyes closed. I don't know why we were here.. I don't know what lead us here..I could only focus on how it could help her. It wasn't a kiss of passion.. not this time...or maybe it was and I am just telling myself it wasn't. I felt the tension from her release..and I felt her settle into our kiss, almost as if accepting it.
I can't let it carry on further but I wanted to alleviate her stress from her shoulders. How I knew that would do it... I have no idea.. I get very stupid when I'm around her it seems. Perhaps I wanted to alleviate more..or maybe she was alleviating more from me..but I didn't let the kiss linger for long enough to find out. As our kiss broke, I notice her eyes open, gently after I'd opened mine. For some reason this made me smile. "Last try.." I stated, before lining up her arm with the bottles. After a slight delay..she fired once more. Bullseye.
She looked happy and accomplished after hitting her target, and I don't know why, but it made me happy to see it. Happier than I thought I'd be. Once more..I gave advice. "Anger is something you'll need to learn to channel." I stated. "But it's not your center."
Once again, her eyes guided to mine with a curious gaze after glancing toward the ground. "Then what is my center?" she asks.
"Only you'll know." I reply, before letting her go and heading back in the direction of home.
"But I don't know where to start." She called out to me in a worried tone.
"Neither did I." I respond
"Then how did you find it?" She asks, out of curiosity, and if not a little frustration.
Her question does stop me in my tracks for a moment. If only for a moment...
I turned my gaze to her and offered a very simple answer in the form of a question to her own.. "Who says I ever found it?"
#WhatstoCome #WaitandSee
I hope you enjoyed that little preview I have been getting into writing again, so I thought I'd share that with you just to give you a taste of what's to come. I hope you had fun reading it ^_^ As I'll have fun making it
VEry well written but I find myself thinking astray, I blame myself more for that than the text, for me a two part of this would have been better, but again, that's because of me.
Ariel and Suki ? -
Very beautifully written @inlovewithh. It's great to have you back and sharing your incredible talent.
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Once again it is a beautifully written piece which really does showcase why you are amongst the premier writers on this site my friend. Your artistry goes way beyond what you can do with pictures and videos @inlovewithh...Enjoyed this thoroughly!