Frankie's Thoughts on Saturday Posts.
Had this picture in one of my old folders with these two, and I, or rather Frankie just couldn't pass up the opportunity
#Frankie #LifeonMars #Lambent #SOHK #KnowyourMeme #AssShotSaturday
The Date Page 27, aka the Epic Dance Off.
Here is where we see Frankie Stein at her best and Lambent in territory we'd yet to see her in..dancing.
Putting this on the X-Stream as I've uploaded it, along with the rest of the Date which I'm in the process of doing right now, but I came across this gem and thought I'd share it with you all again ^_^ This time hosted on the site. Don't worry, I won't be doing this with any other page hehe
#TheDate #DanceOff #Frankie #Lambent
Still a great movie with amazing dance animations and a funny, playful set of characters!
This is definitely a fun vid to watch and love the dances and superbly done my friend @inlovewithh
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The Date - Page 47 (Final)
We've reached the end of a fantastic journey ^_^ I didn't think when I started this "short" back in 2013 that it would span across two years before I finally reached it's conclusion ^_^ Thanks for sticking with me along the ride and I hope you truly got some enjoyment out of it. These two will be appearing more often in future stories, but now, the base I wanted to build before other stories happened is there. I truly hope you enjoyed it!
What they did and talked about the rest of their night till dawn is up to you to decide But it's their moment, and it shall stay between them...for now.
Hope you all enjoyed! ^_^
Lambent has asked long time best friend Frankie Stein out on a date in GE City....but..but.. LAMBENT DOESN'T DATE!! What's going on.... What could happen!?! WHAT WILL ENSUE!?!? WHAT ARE LAMBENT'S TRUE INTENTIONS!? Only one way to find out......
If you haven't read the series I reccomend you do so you aren't lost:
First Page:
Previous Page:
Hope all of your days have been fantastic as well ^_^ Much love
#TheDate #Frankie #Stein #Lambent #spelss #LifeOnMars #Crossover #epic #Dance #Danceoff #Moment #Cookies #SOHK
Totally stunning. I said a couple of pages back that trust is a wonderful thing, and here we see that finally these two, no matter what the morning brings, will have a bond, intimate, loving, tinged with both sadness and elation, that is unbreakable. I love the flow of this page as we slowly zoom out and fade to black... this is a moment that belongs to these two alone, and we have no more right to share it.
Gorgeous. And bloody raising the bar for the rest of us. Again!!! -
Simply amazing story-telling @inlovewithh...I love that they settled in and will be spending some good quality time together. would loved to have heard some more answers to the tough questions, but I am happy in the fact that they are together and enjoying each others company in this intimate and caring evening
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Ah.....cut out at just the right moment, and yet.............DAMN IT INLOVEWITHH YOU CUT OUT AT JUST THE RIGHT MOMENT, NOW WE"LL NEVER KNOW!!! LOL.
@thisisatemp That was beautifully put. In fact, after hearing that, there's nothing more I wish to add. Thank you
(Hitchcock quote)
@dragonfyre thank you so very much. I am very happy about that too. The evening is just one of a kind. Lambent did everything she could to make Frankie's evening wonderful, and in return Frankie gave Lambent something even more wonderful she was never expecting. Something more than either could have expected. But something that both deserved to have, and got, and then some
@GunjamanX anytime, and thank YOU for following and enjoying it
@Joshua heheoh you know me... *innocently whistling whilst walking into the distance*
Beautiful is the word that comes to mind when I read this story.
@HexNacFeegle thank you so much...matches your words about the story
An excellent finale - especially the way it fades to black as the conversation ends. I imagine that after this there would be a long silence and lots of hugging
Answers? There are none, all that is important is someone is listening.
This looks like a perfect point for a little flashback story. However this one's over. A great read. Lambent is a interesting character but hard to figure out. Frankie on the other side... great character and hard to figure out as well
But in a different way. Awesome story and writing

The Secret Ingredient - Page 2 (Final)
Frankie Stein and Lambent enjoy an afternoon doing stuff.
Page 1:
This is once again, just me posting up one of my older stories here on X-Stream for newcomers that may not have seen it and those that wish to re-read it
Hopefully it helps tide some over till the new upcoming pages
Anyway this is a comic short between Frankie and Lambent whom have had a history and a friendship that dates back to before The Date. It has been known that Frankie has blown up Lambent's kitchen before.
The question is ... whether this "Kitchen Explosion" happens before... or "after" the aforementioned one in The Date. Something to ponder..
I hope you enjoy!
#Lambent #SOHK #NakedTruth #Future #Frankie #LifeOnMars #Kitchen #SecretIngredient #AT8W #Crossover
I missed this..glad you reposted, loved the quick read.
Make up sex will win every time lol Awesome page and story buddy! Love these two together...such great comedic chemistry and really just a joy to watch the interaction unfold...fabulous story telling my friend @inlovewithh
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@inlovewithh Many thanks my friend for reposting!
@dirthack hahah =P
@norusdog you're welcome ^_^
@dragonfyre =P They do have that fantastic timing for sure, I'm glad you enjoy it
@littlefighter anytime

The Secret Ingredient - Page 1
Lambent and Frankie... I don't think I need to say much else.
This is once again, just me posting up one of my older stories here on X-Stream for newcomers that may not have seen it and those that wish to re-read it
Hopefully it helps tide some over till the new upcoming pages
Anyway this is a comic short between Frankie and Lambent whom have had a history and a friendship that dates back to before The Date. It has been known that Frankie has blown up Lambent's kitchen before.
The question is ... whether this "Kitchen Explosion" happens before... or "after" the aforementioned one in The Date. Something to ponder..
I hope you enjoy!
#Lambent #SOHK #NakedTruth #Future #Frankie #LifeOnMars #Kitchen #SecretIngredient #AT8W #Crossover
Looks like Nice and Slow ain't gonna happen @inlovewithh
There is too much mischief in Frankie's eyes lol.....what on earth are you two making...or is this a bake off?
I see Lambent has gone insane, above an empty stove ......
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The Date - Page 46
Upload 4 of 4 today. But no cliffhanger.. not.. really..
We're nearing the end of a fantastic journey that has spanned across almost 2 years ^_^ The next upload (within a few days) shall be the final page of The Date Thanks for sticking with me this long
Much love to you all ^_^
Lambent has asked long time best friend Frankie Stein out on a date in GE City....but..but.. LAMBENT DOESN'T DATE!! What's going on.... What could happen!?! WHAT WILL ENSUE!?!? WHAT ARE LAMBENT'S TRUE INTENTIONS!? Only one way to find out......
If you haven't read the series I reccomend you do so you aren't lost:
First Page:
Previous Page:
Hope all of your days have been fantastic as well ^_^ Much love
#TheDate #Frankie #Stein #Lambent #spelss #LifeOnMars #Crossover #epic #Dance #Danceoff #Moment #Cookies #SOHK
See dodging the question isn't cool, or fair. especially since it was her own game
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I think slasher films reached their repetativeness back in the 1970s, near at their incarnation. Lone girl, virginal, survives, while all her friends are toast. Now we deal with the found footage era, which although there are some interesting twists, is also somewhat repetative. I find the only real good horror ends up being comedy horror, as at least it is honest...
@thisisatemp it truly is
@norusdog heheh she won't for long =P but she isn't happy about it
@thisisatemp if looks had words.
@spelss "I find the only real good horror ends up being comedy horror, as at least it is honest..."
Which is why Evil Dead was the perfect choice ^_^ -
This gradual revelation of their characters is both intriguing and beautiful.
@HexNacFeegle thank you very much Hex
I am truly truly beyond happy that you feel that way about them
Really a great montage of Frankie expressions, she is definitely an animated individual lol and really a touching scene between these tow as they start to ask each other the tough questions...might be quite revealing ...or @inlovewithh...just pulling us along and dangling the carrot lol
@dragonfyre and quite a carrot it could be =P
@GunjamanX thank you so much -
Ok so the decision and idea of having Frankie's goggles fall down on her nose was a brilliant one, one of those realistic moves that I wish I had thought of. It not only sets the atmosphere to become more immersive, but if adds a slight comic touch to Frankie making her all the more cute. Excellent move!
@Joshua hehe I'm glad you liked it ^_^ I thought so too and I'm glad it came off that way
Frankie is truly an excellent character and her and Lambent just bring out the best in each other when they have scenes. I'm really glad you liked that Joshua
it means a lot to me ^_^ considering I feel that way about your works too
It seems like the tides are turning a bit against Frankie and she might loose at her own game... or maybe it will bring up a stronger bond between them
@NewGuy it's definitely strengthening. Last panel of Lambent is probably the most vulnerable she's ever been for quite some time. Frankie's answer did that to her.. If at least for a moment.
Girls Got Game ! Impressive dancing.
I don't think I'll be attempting any of those moves ....... ever. LOL !!!