The Naked Truth - Page 4 (Finale)
Some time in the future, during the events of SOHK, Naoko wonders about Lambent's true origin..this is what happens.
Nod to Outsiders Comic!!
Page 1: https://www.thrixxx.com/profile/inlovewithh/305216
Page 2: https://www.thrixxx.com/profile/inlovewithh/305222
Page 3: https://www.thrixxx.com/profile/inlovewithh/305228
This is just me posting up one of my older stories here on X-Stream for newcomers that may not have seen it and those that wish to re-read it
Hopefully it helps tide some over till the new upcoming pages
Anyway this is a comic short that takes place in between SOHK Season 1 and Season 2 which both take place AFTER all the events of the stories you've seen.
After Ripple Effect and after The Date and such, some time after tbh, is when SOHK happens. So, Lambent's older here but her origin is still a mystery.
Coincidentally this was how I first introduced her As well as the only times that I've shown Violet and Naoko in comic form. But I am tired of not giving these characters ANY shine prior to SOHK, they deserve some attention so I'm gonna show them a bit
I hope you enjoy
#Lambent #SOHK #NakedTruth #Future #Naoko #Violet
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@dragonfyre that's Lambent for you
@norusdog as do I ^_^
@HexNacFeegle heheh -
Me enjoyed, although me didn't understand what they should figure out. Thanks
As entrances go, this is up with the Frankenfurter Sweet Transvestite entrance (tap... tap.... as the lift descends to the start of the song), AND another Tim Curry entrance, in Legend, when he steps, slowly, through the mirror. In other words, bloody brilliant.
@Nexeya ^_^ Glad you enjoyed it
@thisisatemp hehe thank you!!! She is quite brilliant, her entrances should be no less =P
LOL!! Ya that was what I said lol! Great page my friend...love all of the one word answers...short and sweet by Lambent @inlovewithh