
#ZenCommentWall -

#sitesuggestions, #sitesuggestion The one feature which I'm really missing out on and which I hope will eventually find its way back is the favorite section.

So allowing players to tag something as "favorite" so that you can easily find all of that stuff again.

Sure; right now I'm using #ZenCommentWall to share some of my findings and "collect" some things which I consider impressive or arousing or whatever.

But the problem with that is that you're basically re-posting something again. And I can well imagine that not everyone may like seeing something pop up twice shortly after each other.

Sure; right now I'm downloading pictures I really like and I'm also keeping track of item numbers. But its just not the same...

Hmm, maybe I could "abuse" a reference section for all this, will have to investigate.

#ZenCommentWall So this evening I finally got curious enough to give the new chathouse a test run. And well, I dunno fellows..

As a techie I can appreciate the design and the ideas; allowing people to interact with each other and have their avatars do naughty things.. for sure. But the problem for me is that I really didn't get turned on in the very least. I started with a girl character (see picture; meet ZenGirl3D), customized her a bit (the bikini top; normally she'd be topless when you take her shirt off) and yah; that's it

I walked around a bit, had plenty of masturbation poses but, no offense, but a girl playing with herself isn't exactly something which turns me on. In fact; when she did start poking around she even started to yank a strap-on How the heck did that get there?

Also funny was that most I saw in the global chat was... people asking how to connect to other people 8) Yah, that works.

Eventually my "zen charms" did work out and a guy popped into my room. Funny thing too since I didn't even see him entering (had the control panel hidden and you don't get any notifications). It didn't really come to anything because I really did not feel comfortable getting some guy mistreating my poor little girl (nah; I just didn't feel like cyber sexing with a dude).

My main problem is that the factory poses are decent, but they really can't match some of the great stuff which we have in SV2 / H3D2. And that is a problem I think (at least for veterans like us). Because I don't see playing options; I see only restrictions and confinements.

Simple example, these are 2 poses (one made by me, the other default in-game) which I actually consider sexy (maybe even a little arousing (bikini)):


But you can't do this in chat roulette it seems; all you get are masturbation and other poses. That's no good for me!

I want ZenGirl to dive into the pool or at least just enter it to sit there. I want her to be able to lie down (on the bed for example), like Natasja can:


But you can't do that

I know that you probably get more poses if you get the full version. But before you'll convince me to get the full version you really need to come up with better teasers than this. And I don't mean the current discount (20k xcoins for full upgrade).

Because E25,- for something I'd hardly use is still E 25,- wasted. I'd rather spend that on H3D2 to be honest (I'd sooner buy the plane & piano room, which I don't have because I don't want them, than upgrade chat roulette).

That's not saying all is bad of course. I think it has potential. Chatting can be fun, and opening up the option to chat a little dirty can be LOTS of fun too. I'm not getting into details, but I once met a cool girl on IRC (20+ years ago, we also met irl; so we both knew it was real) and also had plenty of "private talks". When done right an erotic chat session can be magic, for both.

But as of right now I get more turned on by my favorite game Hentai3D than Chat roulette.

Still, I am keeping it around for a while; maybe I even get the chance to chat up with some of you folks. But unfortunately its really not something which turns me on.

  • Removed it from my computer already. Wasn't enthused either.

    created by crugh2112 1 decade ago Who liked this?


#whatareyoulistening #zencommentwall I've been a fan of JPop ("Japanese popmusic") for quite some time. Mostly because in general the artists still seem capable of actually singing. I've seen a live performance where Megumi Hayashibara basically sat on stage with only minimal background music and, well, sang! ("Tamashii no rufuran").

This video is from Ayumi Hamasaki; M, above & beyond remix. Its 'trance' (or dance music), and although I'm not really into that stuff I actually like this very much

Sip a beer, turn up the volume and get carried away....

  • I really dug Plastics when they came out in the late 70's. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OWpeRcDju2w

    created by crugh2112 1 decade ago
  • LOL, it got taken down. BUT; more where that came from. I don't get it; they broadcast clips for free on TV; so why not youtube? the more fans the better for the artist I'd wager.

    So yah; I really think more should experience Hamaski-kun's music SO... updated original post.

    created by ZenMaster3D 1 decade ago

#tipsandtricks, #ZenCommentWall Say you got a cool pose with 2 models, 2 toys, lots of action and you want to add a 3rd model. For example this pose:


Simple: start a new pose, click 3some, click ok. Now click 'load pose', find your previous pose, right click it and use the option "Import animation". Import animation 1 to the top character ("ME"), important animation 2 to the middle character ("Sexmate").

Close the window, find your models and you'll see them in the right positions but without the toys! (optionally also without handcuffs) Now what?!

Handcuffs: select model in animation panel ("edit person"), find 'Handcuffs' section in the same panel and then enable the handcuffs. Repeat for other models (in my pose all the handcuffs (ME & Sexmate) are put on the sexmate (to cuff hands & feet).

(note: this is assuming we're using free toys, which can be placed anywhere in your scene as props)

Toys: First make sure you have the toys available already! Select the right model (see above), then find the 'extra' section in the animation panel. Click the chain icon behind 'free toy', use "connect to" select the model again and choose "free toy". Click the chain icon again, choose "change toy" and select the right toy. It could already appear, but probably in the wrong place. Ignore this, and repeat the process for your other model.

If you're using my pose as example: ME character uses the coffin toy, the Sexmate uses the curved chain toy.

NOW... This is where we get to see how cool our games are: import your models again as I explained above; so click 'load pose' and use the "import animation" options again for all appropriate models.

Close the window and you'll see that your toy(s) have snapped into their right position(s) as if by magic

  • That's about right. There's three things I would add. 1. Do all your connections including toys before importing the pose but don't save. 2. Test the pose to see if the connections are right. If not, close the pose without saving and try again. If yes, save the pose. 3. Always do all poses with at least 1 copy of three models and hide the models you don't use.....but that's hind sight, I know.

    created by Mouse 1 decade ago Who liked this?

#ZenCommentWall As you all know we've had some new features added to #Hentai3D2 (see hashtag cyberSexMonday for an overview). And so far I am thrilled with all of them! Most of those new sceneries are a #musthave in my opinion! And although us h3d2 players don't have access to this beauty, we can use the scenery (the barn), just look at those details!

Screenshot made by @Dodge76 and the original screenshot item can be found here:

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