Helllllloooooo 👀😌
#Hentai3D2 - Does anyone know who the models are on the loading screen? Are then in the store?
#fbximport #howto #Hentai3D2 So yeah... I've been doing a lot with the FBX Importer and it's definitely not perfect; very hard to use right now (things like positioning your import on a specific location) and textures are also difficult. But I still think players should consider getting this sexpack, because some of us _will_ get the hang of this
So how to begin:
* Download the ThriXXX texturepack for the room you want to use & install it.
* Find the mod (.zip file) in the Mod folder and copy it to a new name (for clarity and all). Example: ZenMaster_Dazzed_Temple.zip. Mod folder: %appdata%\thrixxx, see 'game' subfolder. Where 'game' is SV2 or H3D2.
* Start SV2 / H3D2 and click settings and locate + activate your mod (the zip file).
* When done find the newly created folder in ActiveMod (sub-folder of Mod) and dump your txs files in there.
* Fire up the location, preferably in Pose Edit.
I'll be very honest: right now I'm enjoying the HD graphics more than this sexpack. I did manage to get some stuff imported, but it's very tricky, so far I never got the textures sorted. But this has so much potential that I really felt like supporting this.
#Hentai3D2, #confessions So this evening I fessed up to my gf about playing with H3D2. She more or less knew, but I made it official. To sum it up: she fully supports me, she's happy that took to digital fantasies and not other women and might even get a SV2 license of her own! #happy

The case is closing! Oh dear
"Wow, that is one hot mamma! Sure I can't have some fun with her first?", the henchman asked. "No, close the case and nail it shut. Then we can finally move this issue to her final rest...", answered Mez Minoek.
Screenshot page:
Learning new stuff every day. If you want to keep up with the adventures of this particular model (or want to download her for #Hentai3D2) then check out my Megan Wheeler set here:
@maniacmayo Should be good now I think; I was cleaning up the set a bit so it could be caused by that. But just in case I added the item link too. Thanks for the update!
I know we have lost a few to that dilemma. It's too bad that they had to worry about this being a problem in what their significant other would think about them. I see plenty of happy couples on here. I hope those guys find the right person that they can be truthful to and get to return here. Some were excellent creators.