
#Temp #LDA3 #SaraKalu2

In World War Crime, Lady Tempest saw Sara head into the HQ of Scotland Yard, moments after it was blown off the face of the map in a co-ordinated attack from the world's crime lords.

Unknown to Lady Tempest, Sara was teleported to Hell by the devil's sister, who is herself imprisoned for trying to help multi-verse versions of Sara and Rona. Told that she must free her before Sara can be freed from Hell, Sara must descend through the 7 Circles to complete her quest, so she can re-join her love and save the Earth from evil doers.

#Temp #SaraKalu2 #LDASolo #InHell

Preview Page 3 of 3

In the Lady Tempest solo preview, I showed a Lady Tempest about to unleash hell on those she believes have murdered 1000s of law enforcement operatives around the world, including her Sara.

Here's the preview of what has really happened to Sara. Will she escape Hell in time to save Lady Tempest and the Earth from the Cartels?

Find out soon!

#Temp #SaraKalu2 #LDASolo #InHell

Preview Page 2 of 3

In the Lady Tempest solo preview, I showed a Lady Tempest about to unleash hell on those she believes have murdered 1000s of law enforcement operatives around the world, including her Sara.

Here's the preview of what has really happened to Sara. Will she escape Hell in time to save Lady Tempest and the Earth from the Cartels?

Find out soon!

#Temp #SaraKalu2 #LDASolo #InHell

Preview Page 1 of 3

In the Lady Tempest solo preview, I showed a Lady Tempest about to unleash hell on those she believes have murdered 1000s of law enforcement operatives around the world, including her Sara.

Here's the preview of what has really happened to Sara. Will she escape Hell in time to save Lady Tempest and the Earth from the Cartels?

Find out soon!

#Temp #sarakalu #SaraKalu2 #sarapalmer #SaraKaluPalmer #Crisis

A Tale of 4 Saras.

From the standing Sara in white (12o'clock)... clockwise.....

1. Sara Kalu Prime

The original Sara Kalu, fated to die by beaten to death on the eve of the American Civil War, she was saved by the 40 year old Rona Temp after she, Rona, was torn from her time during the Timestorm. Going on the run together, Sara fell in love with the woman who had saved her at a terrible cost to herself, but was forced to leave her knowing that the underground Freedom Train movement would most likely dispose of a white woman rather than risk exposure...

Years later the woman reappeared in London, saving her from a fate worse than death once more, and revealed to her a new reality. Taken into a new timeline by the Time Mistress, Sara and Rona Tempest (as she now was) created the Lady Detective Agency to fight crime and evil wherever they find it. Sara became an unbelievable fighter and protects her lady, even though her lady is not really aware of it.

Gradually however, Sara became aware of a greater threat and after accidently breaching the veil between realities and touching the mind of the man Rona Tempest left behind, decides that he too would need protection. Unknown to anyone, Sara contacted the Time Mistress and asked her to capture a splinter of her from time, so she could exist between the realms and protect those important to her Lady and to herself.

Introduced in Timestorm, the Timestorm Epilogues, continuing into The Lady Detective Agency story The Curious Case of Mr Jekyl, Sara Prime, The Conversation series

2. Sara Kalu Palmer.

This Sara survived a zombie holocaust and became a legendary fighter amongst the survivors. However, her life was built on a lie that would only be exposed when a vampire from an alternate reality, officially scouting her world as a possible source of food for her populace but secretly trying to find a Sara to help her redemption for the death of her own Sara, discovers that the city Sara protects is run by a gang of murderers and rapists who have profited off the holocaust.

On the run with that Vampire Rona and a turned woman from her own Earth, Rita, Sara falls in love with her and now seeks to escape to another world where the three of them can search for a cure to the vampire virus and live free from persecution....

Bloodtide, Bloodtide 2

3. Sara Palmer

Set in the future of the same timeline as the Lady Detective Agency, Sara Palmer is a brilliant artist, but tortured and fragile from memories of terrible abuse at the hands of her step father and a boyfriend as well as visions of a strange blond woman who kept her safe in her mind when she was being subjected to those abuses. Years later, now an adult, she crosses paths with Rona Byron, a woman who had also escaped an abusive relationship. Sensing a strange connection that they cannot explain, the two become lovers and best friends and slowly start to unravel the mystery of their past... but will Sara's fragile mind be able to cope with the reality of knowing all is not as it seems....

Future Tense, Christmas in Paris

4. Sara Kalu 2 aka Sara Kalu Tempest

After asking the Time Mistress for a second in time of her to be captured so she could become a Prime and protect everyone across all the plains of existence, the Sara Kalu that continued on in the Lady Detective Agency timeline forgot about her request to be split into two entities as a consequence of the time change. Now THIS Sara Kalu, she continued to train hard to be a great warrior so she could protect her Lady as they face many adventures and evils at the end of the 19th Century steampunked reality that was created to house them after the Timestorm.

Now Sara and Lady Tempest have legally exchanged names as Lady Tempest decided to make public their relationship to respect the love of her Sara, so Sara drives herself even harder to be the best she can be as she knows some powerful people in her society may well take against her Lady being in relationship with not only another woman, but with a non-white woman at that!

The Test, and soon in the Lady Detective Agency 2: The Island of Dr Morrow.

The 4 Saras

They don't know it yet but all of them will be drawn along with two Saras who have super powers- one good and one evil- and a Goddess as old as time itself, Oya- into the Crisis as the Ronaverse and the Saraverse violently collide...

Pics https://www.thrixxx.com/profile/126634/thisisatemp/myshares/332201

  • Omg... I hope you have written this all down, I am not even able to remember last names of my story actors... Looking forward to your great stories

    created by McRock 8 years ago Who liked this?

#Temp #LDA #LadyTempest #sarakalu2

Lady Rona Tempest, time travelling super powered hero from an alternate timeline... Sara Kalu, former slave girl from an alternate timeline who has become the fiercest champion of her age.

You could cross them.

If you were stupid.

Pic: https://www.thrixxx.com/profile/thisisatemp/myshares/117170

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