Temp #WoollieWednesday #tittiesthursday #LDA

Doctor Jacqueline Hide was so impressed with the show of woolies that she let out her titties... but unfortunately, that's not all she let out! (See Lady Detectives Agency Book 1)...


  • Always the maid gets it ! LOLOL Thanks mate for joining in !

    created by dragonfyre 1 year ago Who liked this?

#Temp #PlanB #Crisis #LDA #avengingrona #BloodtideUniverse #sarakalu #Timestorm #DemoniasRevenge #BlackmailGame3

Whilst we're talking about the future, many of you will know I have been working on a huge storyarc leading to a massive showdown that unites the various strands of the Rona-Saraverse, for well over a decade now.

I am seriously worried I will not get the chance to finish it so I have come up with a plan. Once I finish Avenging Rona 2, I am not posting stories for a while as I will spend every spare minute making the individual screens for the following stories:

Blackmail Game 3: End Game.
LDA 3: World War Crime
Demonia's Revenge
Tales of the Super Ronas
The Marriage of Rona Prime & Amy Two.

If Thrixx are okay and 3dsv2 continues, I will then work on my other stories (there are around 8 more I have been planning) and also do backfillers to the above. If Thrixxx drop 3dsv2 (and renege on their promise of a standalone patch), then at least I will have the images I need to do the main stories.

If only Thrixx would make a proper statement! Then we wouldn't be so worried about our favourite game!

#Temp #LadyTempest #LDA #WorldWarCrime

Howdy folks, now I've finished Question, I'm gearing up to start Reality Trap with @darkerdavid 's stunning and submissive wife Dianka, but gonna take a few days off from the intensity of producing a story and do a few little teasers and promos. Here's the 2nd one as Lady Tempest goes into full on vengence mode in WWC, coming after Dianka. So to speak.

#Temp #ValentinesDay #LDA

No matter who you love, or where your lovers are, may today provide you with a connection to them

And @Layiila, I miss you x

  • Happy Valentines Day, @thisisatemp.

    created by Kayden 5 years ago Who liked this?
  • Ohhh sweet Danny I apoligise for the late reply. I havent been active at all lately cause Im in the middle of a move and my computer isnt fully functional. Hopefully when things calm down a bit I'll be around more

    created by Layiila 5 years ago Who liked this?
  • Awwww @Layiila I can't tell you how lovely it is to hear that you are still here. Hope the move goes well, and that we'll see you back here soon. In the meantime, my heart is happy. x

    created by thisisatemp 4 years ago Who liked this?

#3DSexVilla2-TOTM-JUN19 #Temp #LDA

Love at first sight.

When the Timestorm threw Rona into the past, to the eve of the US Civil War, and saved Sara from her slaver masters, the two were forced to run for their lives. Given it was night when she saved her, and the two have been travelling by night on foot, or inside cattle carts on trains, or hiding out in caves or old abandoned huts, it was a week before Rona could see Sara properly, at a small lagoon adjacent a hidden safe house for the slave escape train between the South and North.

In that moment, Rona saw Sara's true beauty, not just her physical body, but her inner beauty shining through. She didn't see the cuts and bruises that still lined her body, she just saw her breathtakingly beautiful soul, and in that moment, fell in love with her.

After Sara convinced Rona to skinny dip with her, the two relaxed and had fun in the water, slowly getting closer and closer and Sara, already taken by the woman who had risked her own life to save her, suddenly kissed her. Taken by surprise, as Rona had never had gay feelings before, the two giggled nervously as they gathered their clothes and went back to the cabin, whilst Rona tried to work out why she felt new, strange yearnings for a woman, and one young enough to be her daughter at that!

However, unable to light a fire for fear of giving their position away, the two ended up snuggling under blankets and such naked closeness meant that Rona eventually gave into her feelings, and the two made love... and created a love so strong, it defied the will of a Universe. And so, a legend was born.

@Dirty-Six, have I done this right.

  • Excellent entry bud ! Very cool shot !

    created by dragonfyre 5 years ago Who liked this?
  • Thanks DF! Just trying to get back into creation mode now my latest op has been done.

    created by thisisatemp 5 years ago Who liked this?
  • Nice shot and entry! Nice added effect to the water too.

    created by Briar27 5 years ago Who liked this?
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#Temp #LDA #LDASolo #LadyTempest

The windows 7 update screwed my laptop drivers so I cant use Dx9plus drivers anymore, so i lose the light shading effects, but at least I can take a high rez pic... so here's an alternate take on the promo page...

  • May not be what you had wanted to make but still a good picture.

    created by forestporn 6 years ago Who liked this?
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