
I forgot who's room this was. It looked nice!

#room #nice #chathouse #exploring #rooms #hot #hotornot #hotgirl #follow #for #more #fun

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  • maybe you've already been in too many of those rooms so you forgot

    created by ucrowinuli 1 year ago Who liked this?
  • No I havent. I can only go to dual rooms. Anything more, the game would ask me to pay or upgrade.

    created by XesXue 1 year ago Who liked this?


Absolutely mad at the game at this moment. I was tired of finding poses that were out of screen (and the room), so I decided to create new locations and so, I have spent 4 hours for the Club Room. But, for my great surprise and dissappointment... none of them has really been recorded for further ocasions. As I changed from one tag to another, all that work was lost. But I haven´t realized till one of the previous poses appeared again and, checking the different locations chosen, I found there were no options but just the icon to creat new locations...

Worst wasted time of all my life.

#Location_requests #rooms #poses

  • Just in case anybody else had the same problem, or someone alike... Today, I have tried again to create alternative locations for certain poses on a certain room. My experience... I had to change the location one pose by one. Then, I quit the game and started it again. That way, the new locations kept recorded. First time I tried two poses consecutive, they were not recorded.

    created by prime_005 5 years ago
  • Did I say I had a solution? Not at all!! NOT AT ALL. 2 days ago I open the game, choose the room, check the poses I had given different locations... and nothing happened. No new locations. Nothing. Hate this. Hate this very deep. First time I start to think in giving up with 3Ds...

    created by prime_005 5 years ago

#V2Updates @dirty-six @Celine #Locations #rooms for me personally:

1. Liquids in the form of saliva/druwl and cum/semen/whatever spewing or hanging from orifices, that is controlled inside Pose editor. so I can with a slider change the length of the druwl and with another slider the thickness, so more or less druwl over length. same goes for vagina, ass and penis but her it's not dropping downwards like druwl but jetting out depending on another slider that controls the current. and again a slider for the thickness, this is great for blowjobs, Enemas, peeing, even Creampies.

2. Pose editor needs to be made faster, one way for that would be having the ability to tick on or off all the manipulators of a certain array like the face. this makes animating go Much, much faster.

3.Better camera controls inside of Pose editor like you have in Free mode. (control the speed slider etc...)

4.Pictures that go with what we have in customizer. for example the hair styles should each have a hair style icon next to them so we can see very fast which style we have if we look at the icon.

5.the ability to wear multiple stockings, for example being able to wear panties and over that wearing socks.

6.The ability to dress cross gender, male's can wear female clothing and females can wear male clothing (and don't forget the Shemale).

7.let us use the Bondage ropes in Pose editor

8.Reel! needle High heels without platfroms! like a 7-9 inch needle heel.

9.more Men's clothing and hair.

10.new Lingerie for modding purposes. (suspenders etc)

11. a Hood for over your head as Head clothing so we can fit it to other clothes and make like a hoodie or a briars cloth.

12.new Earings.

Those were the All round general Ideas. these Are Ideas for Hentai that I believe everyone deserves to be able to purchase if it's made.

1.The Ability to mod the demon in the demon room or and the robot in the Hangar. and the ability to use them in Pose edit.

2.more Hentai specific room textures released.

3.Adding Sexvilla models to Hentai and vica versa. or sexvilla models, they do'nt have to be existing one's I jsut want to be able to port decently because of the nose and eyes and chin differences... I LIKe Hentai models, but we havn't gotten any new ones for...well for ever...

4.BRING BACK UPDATE PICTURES FOR HENTAI, is there no mroe time to take some preview pictures for us tiny community anymore ?

5.Add new Hentai oriented clothing or gear. for example the back area now has wings, how about some Tentacles that you can wear as backpack that, like the wings, move around ?
(the tentacles look liek they come out of the models back), Horns for Devils but big and varied, or so we can mod them, like the elf ears.

6.a slider for the ears so we can make bigger elf ears.

7.a new Fetish room, like a Dragon's lair with Lava and broken Down ruins of a castle. with dragons eggs that are brooding and possibly a dragon that works like the demon in the demon room and PLEASE make it so we can use it in PE (I WILL PAY YOU FOR IT just let me use it!)

8.A fetish room that's like an entrance to a cave with a portion into the cave, a cave of an Ogre or Giant spidder, with a sacrificial Rope cross infront of it, to sacrifice maidens...(think dark, cobwebs, skeletons,eerie).

9.An Fantasy/Medieval Inn location with lodgins for the customers to sleep, a small kitchen, fireplace, horse stall.( think the size of the Alleyway location, but with outdoor walles with a courtyard for people to enter and stable their horses) Textures don't need to be fancy, we can do that, but we CAN't do the walls...

10.A medieval looking Village Square, perfect for Fantasy settings, with a part that leads to the woods, a little shop to enter, a blacksmith and a well. and a very tiny church, like 4 benches no more for a deity).

11.for BDSM, a medieval Torture/dungeon chamer think like the Spanish inqusition with Torture devices, not jsut the ussual Cross, but a Torture wheel, a drowning pit, a steel human cage. a four quarterer bench etc...

12.a High Scifi Docking Bay for Spaceships with a transit area and big robots that load and unload cargo (Hangar robot revisited ? )

  • and always sexy clothes for men

    created by lihuse 1 decade ago Who liked this?
  • Totally agree with the hentai updates, I'd love something like that. Not too sure about combining both games, but I'm sure it would help if we didn't have to purchase /everything/ again when looking at the 'other' game. So; when I pick up SV2 I would need to unlock it, buy models, PE, community, etc. But already got the locations & jewelry I have now in #Hentai3D2.

    created by ZenMaster3D 1 decade ago
  • totally agree with you godbless and a pool would be welcome as!!!

    but you can always dream!!!

    THRIXXX never shall do all his!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    created by sunjata 1 decade ago Who liked this?
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