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Don't Forget to Vote!!! #Vote #community #participation #nextvideo

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#NextVideo #Vote #communityvote #helpneeded #community #prettyplease

Decided to try something out among the community

I now know what my next animated video will be. It will be something just to liven up some things and get positive energy flowing back here again, I have a few days off so I'll be able to make it for you all


I'll need your feedback. I won't tell you what the video is, as I'd rather keep it a surprise.

What I will give away is this...

@spelss Frankie Stein will be in it, and one other character. That character is up for you to decide.

What you need to decide is a male 'foil' to Frankie.

I've whittled it down to people who will fit in the role for the purpose of this video.. and I've come down to two final choices

@godless8 's ME model, or of course @TheReverend.

Vote one or the other and whomever wins shall be her counter in the video I was going to have a hashtag voting system but I don't want to see too cliche lol then again I don't think we've had one yet.

If you want to vote for @godless8 leave a comment with...hmm... #Steinless

If you want to vote for @TheReverend leave a comment with... #Revstein.

I'll check back here in maybe a day or so as I create the animations, and whomever has the most votes will be the character that is opposite to Frankie in this video I hope the community enjoys this nifty idea

Have a fantastic day and don't forget to please VOTE!!!

  • Well, I'm not gonna vote for some wimp who blocked me for no good reason. Put me down for #Revstein

    created by HardManWesley 1 decade ago Who liked this?
  • No do'nt vote! Please for the love of god!!!

    created by godless8 1 decade ago Who liked this?
  • Whomever is chosen will work out well, both those guys have there issues, their severe, deep, dark issues... #PinkElephant

    created by spelss 1 decade ago Who liked this?
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#NextVideo #Vote #communityvote #helpneeded #community #prettyplease

Decided to try something out among the community

I now know what my next animated video will be. It will be something just to liven up some things and get positive energy flowing back here again, I have a few days off so I'll be able to make it for you all


I'll need your feedback. I won't tell you what the video is, as I'd rather keep it a surprise.

What I will give away is this...

@spelss Frankie Stein will be in it, and one other character. That character is up for you to decide.

What you need to decide is a male 'foil' to Frankie.

I've whittled it down to people who will fit in the role for the purpose of this video.. and I've come down to two final choices

@godless8 's ME model, or of course @TheReverend.

Vote one or the other and whomever wins shall be her counter in the video I was going to have a hashtag voting system but I don't want to see too cliche lol then again I don't think we've had one yet.

If you want to vote for @godless8 leave a comment with...hmm... #Steinless

If you want to vote for @TheReverend leave a comment with... #Revstein.

I'll check back here in maybe a day or so as I create the animations, and whomever has the most votes will be the character that is opposite to Frankie in this video I hope the community enjoys this nifty idea

Have a fantastic day and don't forget to please VOTE!!!


  • Oh no. Good lord. Well, at least we all know that I've never had a problem with making an ass of myself lol

    created by TheReverend 1 decade ago Who liked this?
  • @TheReverend and that is why you are a choice ^_^ heheh

    created by inlovewithh 1 decade ago Who liked this?
  • I'm terrible at dancing, but then again it is against frankie....

    created by godless8 1 decade ago Who liked this?
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