#forestporn #Vote #ComingSoon
And here is the next winner, and remember, if you want to be part of her previews just put a model and maybe what you like in the comments
#forestporn #Vote #ComingSoon
And here is the next winner, and remember, if you want to be part of her previews just put a model and maybe what you like in the comments
#Vote #comingup #ComingSoon
Happy new year! I know I might be a bit late but anyway.
So here is the plan:
What you see here is a preview picture of my upcoming model. She needs some partners for her pictures, so if you or a model of your choice wants to be part of that this is your chance!
Post the link to the model (me models prefer) in the comments and maybe what type of picture it could be with your model and her.
And don't worry, there will be more then one "winner" so keep em coming
Have fun!
http://gamerotica.thri.xxx/item/1050984 I'll be her first community buddy if you don't mind using me again. I even updated my Me model for the new year! -M
so here we have our first winner, but don't worry it continues, just keep posting and be a part of the previewpictures for and with her
Well Uncle Forest (http://gamerotica.thri.xxx/item/1002884)
is always happy to give a new girl a welcome hug, but with the demands of all my little nieces I'm not sure he would be up for much more!
@forestporn Don't worry she'll enjoy it but the link doesn't seem to work
Very nice, thank you for using us. You don't have to ask to use us in the future, you can just put us in stuff -M
#vote #comingup
Hello everyone!
I got some ideas for my next texture/model/picture series, but can't decide what will come up first. So if you want to, vote
1) Alien
2) Darkage
3) Zombie
4) Hero
5) Football
6) Music
7) Wrestling
Just post the number of the theme (or themes) you want to see next from me and i'm on it.
In light of the fact that season 4 of the Walking Dead is now available on Netflix I'm going for 3 Canada has some Fucked up cable companies so Netflix is the solution unless you wanna pay a hundred bucks a month
texture and/or model is Darkage and hero. picture is alian, zombie.
So here is the first sneakpreview of the winner project. i'm still working on it. thanks to everyone who voted
Keep up the voting for upcoming projects
and here is the winner. Sorry that it took so long, but i couldn't find the time to upload it. So enjoy it and thank you for the vote
Don't Forget to Vote!!! #Vote #community #participation #nextvideo
Well, I'm not gonna vote for some wimp who blocked me for no good reason. Put me down for #Revstein
Whomever is chosen will work out well, both those guys have there issues, their severe, deep, dark issues... #PinkElephant
I want to vote!!! I really do!!! but I don't know either of the people in the contest... so rather than pick one randomly, I'll abstain
@FoilHead I blocked you because you are an asshole you asshole and you can take your sorry ass excuse for an ass kissing apology from a month ago and stick it up your ass. I want nothing to do with a Retard like you who barely passed through kinder garden because he had to suck his fathers dick every morning because his mother rather blows the local redneck community.
@Godless8 I won't be talking to or about you anymore. You know why?........
#NextVideo #Vote #communityvote #helpneeded #community #prettyplease
Decided to try something out among the community
I now know what my next animated video will be. It will be something just to liven up some things and get positive energy flowing back here again, I have a few days off so I'll be able to make it for you all
I'll need your feedback. I won't tell you what the video is, as I'd rather keep it a surprise.
What I will give away is this...
@spelss Frankie Stein will be in it, and one other character. That character is up for you to decide.
What you need to decide is a male 'foil' to Frankie.
I've whittled it down to people who will fit in the role for the purpose of this video.. and I've come down to two final choices
@godless8 's ME model, or of course @TheReverend.
Vote one or the other and whomever wins shall be her counter in the video I was going to have a hashtag voting system but I don't want to see too cliche lol
then again I don't think we've had one yet.
If you want to vote for @godless8 leave a comment with...hmm... #Steinless
If you want to vote for @TheReverend leave a comment with... #Revstein.
I'll check back here in maybe a day or so as I create the animations, and whomever has the most votes will be the character that is opposite to Frankie in this video I hope the community enjoys this nifty idea
Have a fantastic day and don't forget to please VOTE!!!
Oh no. Good lord. Well, at least we all know that I've never had a problem with making an ass of myself lol
@TheReverend and that is why you are a choice ^_^ heheh
I'm terrible at dancing, but then again it is against frankie....
@godless8 oh it won't be dancing it's something different entirely but I'm not revealing what ^_^
I would love to see them both in the video. Choosing one over the other is not easy, but I will go with #Steinless , sorry @TheReverend, but maybe if this involves Frankie, you may thank me later and I will have to apologize to @godless8 lol.
@dragonfyre, I take no offense to your choice. At least I won't end up with my dick stuck in one of Frankie's inventions like Godless will.
Actually, he's into that kind of thing anyway...
@TheReverend , oh my....*stifled chuckle* ....God luck G8, sounds like you may need it...although TheReverend may still have to deal with said invention or worse
@inlovewithh I vote for @TheReverend! I want to see what you do with his face! Sorry Reverend.....I hope your [pixels won't be too much abused!
I am going to remain neutral on this, lest I piss off either Godless or Reverend by selecting them (usually it would be the reverse, eh? But with Frankie...). #PinkElephant
Gotta go with Rev, at the very least he met up with the Spelss girls when they were being chased by Lillian, so Frankie should at the very least recognize him.
A nice surprise for Monday @stisegon!