
Oh an quite czech old song from communist era, with probably the best czech ever guitarist, Radimem Hladíkem and good composer and singer Vladimírem Mišíkem.....
This era was tough for free composing, a lot censorship etc., same tough, like be useful like "The machine for nothing" ...
But these guys knew to do world music!
Have a nice evening.
#whatareyoulistening #MusicIsMyMuse #czechmusic #czechoslovakia

Dámy a pánové, děkuji vám za pozornost
kterou jste věnovali předvedení našeho převratného vynálezu
nelíbí-li se vám, vůbec nic se nestalo
na shledanou
ó stroj na nic

  • created by ValleyArt 6 months ago Who liked this?
  • 🎧🎶🎼🎶🎵🤘☕☕🤗

    created by Diuna 6 months ago Who liked this?
  • created by ucrowinuli 6 months ago Who liked this?

I was thinking about what song to share to wish you all nice weeekend, I accidentally found this song, unknown for me, and I was surprised, that the clip is composed with a scenes from czech movie, and the hot redhead in red dress is Slovakian actor oh nice
So I wish you similar nice day, how she had in this clip ...
#whatareyoulistening #MusicIsMyMuse #czechmovie #czechoslovakia

If it's not forever,
if it's just tonight
Oh, it's still the greatest,
the greatest, the greatest

your sex is on fire

  • Have you all a nice Saturday evening too

    created by ValleyArt 8 months ago Who liked this?
  • created by IamXox 8 months ago Who liked this?

Today another czech oldies hit. This song is still quite popular, even though that it is 56y old
I was always curious, in how long time the musicians areable to compose song, that was a super hit in my country. This song was composed for Rio de Janeiro music carnival in 1968, where our national master Karel Gott sang. So another great czech composers and musicians Karel Svoboda and Jiří Štajdl composed this song in 1,5h after they drank a bottle of czech whiskey
Hope you will like it.
Have a nice evening everyone, and enjoy the rest of day.

#whatareyoulistening #MusicIsMyMuse #czechmusic #czechoslovakia #oldies #blonde

Ladies and gentlemen, I know how to abolish sorrow.
My soul longs only for Lady Carneval.
I used to lie to maidens and widows alike.
Now I carry only Lady Carneval in my heart.

And with her enters an unknown sin.
Wearing white leggings and dancing, the sin, he is my master.
I'd give up my life for him, oh, my Lady Carneval.
I love you, I love you!

Sha la la la la la la, sha la la la la la la.
Sha la la la la la la, sha la la la la la la.

And with her enters an unknown sin.
Wearing white leggings and dancing, the sin, he is my master.
I'd give up my life for him, oh, my Lady Carneval.
I love you, I love you!

Ladies and gentlemen, I know how to abolish sorrow.
My soul longs only for Lady Carneval.
I used to lie to maidens and widows alike.
Now I carry only Lady Carneval in my heart.

Now I carry only Lady Carneval in my heart!

  • Oh, To je ale stará písnička. 🦕🦖

    created by Diuna 10 months ago Who liked this?
  • Ano je jak píšu, 56 let následně přeložena do desítek světových jazyků

    created by NicklasCZ 10 months ago Who liked this?
  • Dinosauři si ji pamatují 🤔🤣

    created by Diuna 10 months ago Who liked this?
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To the new week with the smile and nice song ... exactly like from an fairy tale.

#whatareyoulistening #MusicIsMyMuse #blonde #DreamGirl #czechmusic #czechoslovakia

Znám jednu starou zahradu,
kde hedvábná je tráva.
Má vrátka na pět západů,
a mě se o ní zdává.

Tam žije krásná princezna,
má opálenou pleť.
Jen já vím jak je líbezná,
tak neblázni a seď.

V té zahradě je náhodou
i studna s černou mříží,
A stará vrba nad vodou
co v hladině se zhlíží,
Ten rybník s lodkou dřevěnou
tu čeká na nás dva,
Tak pojd a hraj si s ozvěnou
a zpívej to co já.

  • created by ValleyArt 1 year ago Who liked this?
  • created by IamXox 1 year ago Who liked this?

Lets blow some dust from an old tape recordings of my father
Maybe somone knows this instrumental song or heard it somewhere. But only few knows, that this song is from old Czechoslovak group called Mefisto from 1965.
Who hear music style similar to The Shadows a bit, he is right, cos they was inspirating by them a little.
Wish you nice Tuesday to all.

#whatareyoulistening #MusicIsMyMuse #czechmusic #czechoslovakia #Brunette #EbonyBeauty #bedtime #EVENING

  • Das sind halt die guten alten Songs aus früherer Zeit Wünsche dir und allen anderen ebenso einen schönen Dienstagnachmittag

    created by ValleyArt 1 year ago Who liked this?
  • Thanks @ValleyArt
    Of course they are! I know them from old reel-to-reel tape recorder tapes of my father, which I was listening them in secret when I was a small child ( we had forbiden to only touch the reel-to-reel tape recorder ! ) we had very good musicians at this period ... not like today.

    created by NicklasCZ 1 year ago Who liked this?
  • Ich selbst habe auch noch ein paar Kassetten. Sogar Aufnahmen meiner Garagenband aus meiner Jugendzeit... ist schon eine Weile her. Vielleicht werde ich sie bei Gelegenheit digitalisieren, bevor die Abspielgeräte endgültig verschwinden. LOL

    created by ValleyArt 1 year ago Who liked this?
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Už viac nie ... odpočívaj v pokoji, Vašo!

#whatareyoulistening #MusicIsMyMuse #czechmusic #slovakmusic #czechoslovakia

  • created by ValleyArt 1 year ago Who liked this?
  • created by IamXox 1 year ago Who liked this?
  • created by Kasumy 1 year ago Who liked this?
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