What is the expression I use most often here?
I'll explain it to you with this song..
Another week is beginning..
Be cool, be nice.

Hello cool players!
Who says we cannot have a proper shitty date even in Chathouse? Today I am sharing my fantastic failure horror story with you.
Recently I have been spending most the time ingame with the same player. Great time, quite a connection.
So, a few days ago, after finishing some real life work, I decided to plan a memorable date for that special someone.
#worstdate #RoomModding #soreadysowrong #WTF #FunnyShit #hatelobsters #hitandmiss #brokenhearted
You should never walk in into a date empty handed, so I edited one of my villas adding a romantic dinner to it.
I added oysters, lobster and Champagne... some candles... roses... The modded night villa actually looked decent. (For @Lassi: I even used .png images only and normalmap). Of course I added her favorite music on the youtube picturewall...
#worstdate #RoomModding #soreadysowrong #WTF #FunnyShit #hatelobsters #hitandmiss #brokenhearted
Grazie mille, troppo gentile! Adesso mi serve una persona speciale da portarci...
Then I found her in a beta room and entered to invite her over and... I found her kissing her new in-game boyfriend.
I stared at the monitor like a surprised owl watching the soul-crushing scene for a second, then left... The lobsters are still laughing at me...
Spent the rest of the evening reading @Sophie and @Mitch fighting some trolls in general chat, then watched a movie.
So, next time I am online, you are all invited to my 12 player beta room to taste some fish food and good wine, food and beverages are on me!
Now, to remind all of us that it can always get worse, I leave you with the amazing performance of Dane Cook in "My Best Friend's Girl"... genius.
By the way, my worst date in real life included a quick escape from a restaurant on fire and my girl's bowel terrible reaction to asian food... in that order, which makes a difference since the restrooms were out of order because of the fire!
Please feel free to post your worst date below, so I do not feel alone. Don't be shy!
#worstdate #RoomModding #soreadysowrong #WTF #FunnyShit #hatelobsters #hitandmiss #brokenhearted
Chathouse girls do not tend to be the monogamous type. Thanks for posting all this, it was worth reading. Favorite line was "I stared at the monitor like a surprised owl watching the soul-crushing scene"
Thanks for the reply @Wellson. Some ladies here are actually very monogamous, I guess I just got very bad timing!
Sorry your special dinner did not work out....she is the unlucky one..I am always here for you....just to vent if you need it! Some of us stay loyal...even if we want to be naughty sometimes! Giggle....
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Thanks Pet, I know I can always count on you sweety. And there is no unlucky one in this game!
Guys, don't take this stuff seriously. I posted this to have a laugh, that's it. Chathouse is supposed to be fun since it's a game. If you are getting mad or disappointed you are probably playing it wrong. Life is full of hard moments, this community can be a way to blow off steam and, why not, have a laugh. I am grateful to all the players I had a good time with in here and I am not judging anyone. Any way you want to play this game is your choice and nobody can judge that, for sure not me!
Thanks @Mitch, in ChatHouse I just want players to have a good time and a laugh. Unfortunately you will always find people who prefer to pass judgement instead of extending love so I had to make sure the message was not lost in translation. I will always be thankful for the great time I had with that special lady, she is still so special and really deserved all my time and affection.
Sorry Clyde maybe just not the right girl........
for your cheek suck it up buttercup plenty of fish (tuna) in the sea
How is it possible to have about 1600 total likes over 40 pics, and only have a handful of comments(maybe 5 or 6 total)? I smell a rat. It is sad because many photo creators are getting shafted here, with hard work they have actually put in, and Thrixxx should do something about this ASAP before you lose more good image artists. This is why hot artists like @MClain and @JohnnyZnn leave. You are losing good creators Thrixxx. And spitting in the face of image creators by sitting idly by. You guys know I speak out against bullshit and this is garbage. #WTF #TopScreenShot
I wasn't on the old site long before it switched to this new one, so I can't compare. The old site was populated by nothing but creators - so I think the comment ratio would be more. Here, it is a blended community...not everyone creates, so they do not know the work involved. Comment ratios have always been horrid here. Not to mention LIKES to DOWNLOADS. But I think most creators will agree, comments keeps the creative fires stirred up, more so than likes.
I agree @dragonfyre I think now a lot of us are in zombie mode liking, as kind of a mark of what we've seen or even marking a download so we know on future reference. I think a trust testament to an artist on here is "commenting". If someone takes the time to actually mention something about your work that says a lot. So often I see you and other great artists with nearly a 40-50% L/C ratio or higher. A true indication of community value.
Just not sure how thriXXX can correct this ? Getting people to click on the LIKE button is hard enough, but making someone comment...that is an individual thought process and takes time...that will be a fight that will be almost impossible to win....making downloads automatically count as a like...can be programmed....not sure how you can make someone comment....it is about repsect, or even good manners. Some people comment a lot, some just never do.
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@dragonfyre if it were up to me the like would be tied to the download itself somehow. Also the comment would be tied to your community rating level somehow. In other words if you never comment you should not have a high level in community standards, unless you create a boatload of stuff. Also, a person should only be allowed to have one item in the each top category at a time. If we like the item enough to front page them, we can find their other stuff...this allows more ppl to shine.
I think that the popularity of the creator makes a big difference in the number of likes per upload. It is not worthwhile to get angry about this. It is the way it is.
It is also a different set up of site compared to the old one...this is more geared towards the social media spectrum than a posting forum. It isn't all about the art and the posts anymore. Old Vets like @Mclain have seen both. A lot of the old vets say they preferred what was before, maybe not all though.
Good point @Kayden perhaps I shouldn't be getting so upset. You are right, ...popularity, and community presence and support of others seem to outweigh actual talent sometimes on here, which is sad but that is the way it is. I guess it's 90 percent business and 10 percent skill lol.
And at the old site we had the same. People were accused of cheating using many different profiles. There were shitstorms going on in the discussion forums. That is the main reason why that does no longer exist here. I would say: Just forget about it.
I don't have the old setup to compare to @dragonfyre so I wouldn't know. I guess there always could be improvements. Overall Thrixx has a good thing going here and I am happy with it, so I guess I will be content with that. I can tell I am getting old because my crotchity complaining side is emerging lol.
Yes, if someone has a 1000 followers and posts a lot and if only 4% of his followers like the item, she gets 40 likes. Popularity outweighs talent by far here.
A higher level can be achieved mainly by likes (1 like = current level * 2500 Points). It does not make a difference, if a comment is being liked or an upload. And a like on an uploaded texture gives as many points as a like on an unploaded screenshot.
I have heard that the old site had a lot of those battles of egos that @Kayden has alluded to...one of the reasons @Max_33 said he took breaks over there to get away from the negativity. There has been the odd drama session here, but it seems to be rare in comparison. Both sites have their pros and cons
Lots of battles and lots of big egos. The only way to deal with that, is to stay out of it.
Interesting discussion. Old GE was essentially a community of equals, nearly everyone created at least a little and understood what was involved. Here we have a mixed community, but there seem to be very few CH users who post to Gamerotica. Anyone with a big CH following is likely to do disproportionately well.
To all 3 of you, @jaygfla, @Kayden and of course @dragonfyre I have only this to say,
I love you.
and I give each of you big Texas HUG
I think we have seen evidence of that for sure @forestporn. Popularity is a factor, but it is what it is, and not much anyone can do about it.
Thanks sweetie @pepperjoy and I will throw a Canadian Cuddle your way...aka a Bear Hug
Oooo I get all tingly with both of you hugging me. hehehe
At the old site you got, I think, 5 points for commenting as opposed to about half a point for clicking on the like button…you also got more points for say a texture or animated pose than for a screenshot. Back then people would still complain about the lack of comments, then start threads complaining about people commenting too much. However, the bottom line was that whatever its faults it had a shitload of creators cranking out high quality stuff.
As such there was a much higher level of creativity – part of that was due to upload limits of three items per category per day which meant more quality control (there were a few exceptions but not enough to make a difference in the overall picture). Also, you could only download an item once as any further downloads from the same user didn’t get counted.
There was a logarithm of some sort to measure popularity that included things like downloads, views, likes and download/view ratio. Now there is just a default rating by number of likes…these you can easily manipulate by creating loads of fake accounts and multi-downloading your own item if you were that way inclined. Reintroducing upload limits and only allowing votes/downloads from people who purchase the community pack would help the situation.
The old site had much going for it @Max_33. This is designed for the simple minds of the Facebook generation.
@jaygfla - there used to be two separate 'ranking' lists. One would be for people who liked/commented a lot (essentially based on community activity) and another based on uploads (which would be a creative list). You also got some kind of on-screen award once you had made certain numbers of comments, liked so many items or downloaded X amount...so as a creator you would have had a lot more incentive
@jaygfla I for my part feel not comfortable with commenting on pages if I don´t get any response on my previous comments by the creator.. so I guess sometimes it is a give and get reason why there are little comments. But in general @kayden is right.. its all about having friends then the likes and comments are coming by themself. I for my part enjoy comments but I don´t feel they are necessary as long as my crazy @dragonfyre is commenting all is well
@forestporn - I agree 100%. It has become much more impersonal. I miss those forums where everyone could dive in - they got out of hand sometimes sure but they did engender more of a community spirit than X Streams
@Max_33 it sounds like the old site did a lot of things right, I wish we could have those things. I hate that I wasn't around to see it, only the remnants of it when someone would point to it in a post. I did notice a lot of the older member grumpy about some of the things on the new site. I loved it, because I didn't have anything to compare it to. I feel like (and I believe you even told me this last year when I complained before) some things we obviously are not going to get fixed.
I agree with you @forestporn and @max_33 it does feel a little less personal than it could with the stream based communication over a forum base. But as you said @Kayden is right, why cry over spilled milk. But when you see the milk all day every day on the floor occasionally you slip up. I know I do from time to time and get into rant mode, especially when good talent leaves.
@McRock that is a whole new can of worms don't get me started bud lol. Commenting and responding. In a way I used to think it was only right that someone should respond to my comment however, I have changed my mind, mainly because of the redundancy. I do respond to mine because of respect for the person commenting, however I can see it both ways.
@jaygfla - this is the way it is now. You obviously take a lot of pride in your work and rightly so which is why you probably feel a sense of injustice. Way back when, an artist like @mclain would do a screenshot then edit it to the extent where he might work out where the sun might be in order to add shadows in the correct place....when your likes drop off from 50-60 to 10-15 per shot and no-one even notices the amount of effort you have made, let alone comments on it then disillusionment sets in. I am pretty sure that is why mclain left as well as a whole mass of others
I have talked to @Dirty-Six @Max_33 about downloads and having it only count for the first time you download an item or someone downloads yours and they were going to have that brought into effect, so that you could not pad your stats. Sometimes redownloads are legit, but only the first one should be counted. There was a lot of firepower for creative skills on the old site for sure.
LOL @McRock
Thanks bud
I try my best to respond to all comments...to me...that is common courtesy. If someone took the time to comment on my items, then I feel they deserve a reply back.
@dragonfyre you are more talktive than me and comment nearly allways, and I like that
.. to be honest your missing comment would be the only I´ll recognize if I post something
@McRock its not about ego with me, its about community building. Also, it takes a person to motivate another person. I am not a robot, I have shared 500 pose animations and something has to keep me motivated...friendship, support etc. I couldn't care less about accolades, its more about the value creation justifying me continuing to share, in my mind, not ego, I challenge myself, i'm not in a race.
@McRock ratings per se are not that important. It is actually the way ratings are calculated that I was alluding to. The truth is that if you create 30 fake accounts you can give your own item enough likes to push it to the top. Under the old system I know of one creator who did that with his screenshots but here you can do it in any category to pad your own statistics. It's simply about having a system whereby everyone gets a fair chance.
This site is what it is - sure we can criticise and suggest improvements but for now we must work with what we have. If I commented on everything that got a like I'd never have any time to create anything myself (no point in cheering, I can't hear you!) I'm not getting at anyone who posts a lot, but it is a fact that with upload limits the chances of getting a good comment to view ratio were better.
I do try to comment as much as I can @McRock....weekends are tough as I do 12 hour days and it is hard for me to stay awake once I get home lol...but I make up for it Mon-Thurs when I am on more
Comments and banter are entertaining all in themselves...there are a lot of very witty people in the community, which makes it fun
@Max_33 that is exactly the point, I agree with you; sure there is no reason to complain but from what you said, under the old system some of these things were fixed. We can pose a question to the admins to try to get some of these things back to even out the playing field. Sure Rome wasn't built in a day but if we had some things working, why can't we bring some of them back?
Old site if I remember was subscription only. With micro-pay, it costs nothing to run the 'fake' accounts if someone is that way minded.
@forestporn you sound like me bud. Your last comment sounded accepting of the way it is, but then you in the end mentioned a change you want lol. This is exactly how I feel on here day in and day out. We should have upload limits. Seeing someone post 20 real human images in a row, or 25 poses in a row? Tell me that doesn't boil your blood, especially when your one screen shot just got buried..lol
@forestporn upload limits would create more content?? why that? at the moment I don´t see hundreds of pages come during a day ...
That @jaygfla, is the one benefit of the stream - by following those creators you want to see those who flood Gamerotica do at least get filtered out! As for 'human' images, they are banned from Gamerotica and when I see & report they usually get taken down pretty quickly.
@McRock - not more CONTENT, but a higher ratio of COMMENTS to VIEWS.
I think the limit on the old site was 5 pages @McRock.....I don't think imposing limits here right now is vastly important as somedays there is nothing but tuimbleweeds blowing through the site...not a lot of action at all....but like @jaygfla has said....sometimes there is a gif spam and even a screenshot spam ...I think they are more the exception than the norm right now. The site needs creators...a lot left, but new ones are coming on.
in fact the page needs to make creators have fun creating in some way. But how ? if there is fun in creating then it is easier to have motivation creating. and if you have enough fun creating there will be coming more creators
@McRock the individual fun is in creating, I know with me it is. I make stuff in my game all the time. The actual "sharing" part is where I need to have some base level of support, so I know people want the stuff, because otherwise I would just create and not share. Trust me...many of the creators that left still "create". You think @McClain stopped using DAZ? No way.
@dragonfyre @forestporn I never knew about the gif/spam filter that is good to know that those posts get deleted.
The upload limit on the old site was dependant on your rank within the community. There were several lists per game.There was one for SV2, another one for Hustler3D etc. The old site had micropay also, which I always used instead of a subscription.
The main reason for the many likes at the old site compared to the new site is, that you could like an item without opening it. There were 5 little stars below each preview pic and you were able to like 4 items in a second. Here it takes 2 seconds to load the item, sometimes longer. Then you can like it.
I agree...Creating is the fun and stories are the most work, but also the biggest reward to see completed because there is so much involved. Stories, as a whole, usually get the least likes, but inversely, they do usually get more comments. I have no doubt @Mclain is still creating using DAZ. At first I was opposed to seeing DAZ on the site, but that has gone away. I do like top see what others are doing.
And please don't forget how often people complained at the old site, that there was an upload limit.
The same thing goes for all creators here though. You post and don't interact or reply to comments, I think you are doing yourself a dis-service. I think @McRock stated what is a normal response. If someone comments on your stuff, you are happy to see it is acknowledged with a reply...if you keep commenting and never see a reply...then you will stop commenting.
True @Kayden - storage costs have come down since then too!
well when some this selfish creators start to like others content maybe it will be not like today but i all ready gave up any hope so do mostly stuff for my self and my friends and hope we all will enjoy here
I see that @Dirty-Six was mentioned above. I hope that admin will read through this exchange and bear the comments in mind. Nobody expects perfection but improvements are possible, given time.
Hey @jaygfla
I fully understand the frustration over this topic, I think it's the same among all platform of this type, but of course we're always open for suggestions. I already added the idea of only one item per user in top lists to our todo list as I think this is a good idea and prevents the spamming a little bit.
That would be a good move for screenshots @Dirty-Six. I would suggest that it is not needed, or appropriate, for textures and toys where there are far fewer creators and it can be quite realistic that one contributor may have 2, 3 or even 4 outdstanding creations within a month.
@forestporn I think the general idea is that the spots are open to showcase 4 creators and it's unfair if one creator takes more than one place because if the viewer likes the contribution of one creator he/she can easily browser trough more creations by this user, he doesn't need to take a second place where we could showcase another good creator. At least that's how I understood it.
well thats somthing i gived up a long time ago ... i´m active here since 5 years and never had a single top rated item ... never was in the tops ... i accepted long time ago that my stuff is not intresting or hot enough for the most .... it sucks but i accepted it ....
I understand the logic @Dirty-Six. It's something to try and see if you get applause or howls of anguish!
i wasnt on the old site. but I did read through most of it while it was still up and I feel I have a sense for how the community interacting then as well as how the badges/levels were earned.
One of the Senior creators recently commented that GE has Always been a Popularity contest. I guess that is true.
a certain amount of rivalry and competitiveness.
likes, comments, follows, noting when your using some else's modifications so as Not to take credit for another's work, and of course Sharing. Folks work long and hard on a Mod or screenshot and can get annoyed when it doesn't receive the attention it might. traditions and frustrations going no doubt back to the cave artists -
feet in 2 worlds. I am also aware of a species of " unfairness" in the levels. I have a high level but I post a ton of Junk on my xsteam page not Created by me. ( not that I do not have a good portion of stuff in my GE folders) but I wouldn't blame others who are in the 200s solely on their own creative efforts for a sense of "unfairness" ( looking for a word). so there's that. also I post SV2 things that are either personal to another user or simply not meant to be "important"
don't get me started. I was recently made aware of someone gaming the top content spots soley for their own blind ambition. and, it seems, ultimately cheating to be there. it is, honestly, beyond me why. I am really saddened and sorry about that whole situation.
Personally, I don't get the idea of trying to be NUMBER UNO on here since there's only like...... 25 active people on this site anymore. I mean, spending all your time trying to spam your content to the top, either with false tags, or conversations with yourself in the comments...... seems rather odd. I mean, I enjoy making stuff in the game for myself and a few others on here. Occasionally I'll share it. If somneone likes it and jerks off to it, cool.
@HardManWesley interesting view, here is what I believe; I do think that the numbers are down on the site. If I look at top models from 3 or 4 years ago, most received about 7-900 downloads on average, down to 400 now, so we can safely say membership is down by around half or a little more. The comments/likes follow this trend as well. I believe that the site could be revived as well, easily with simple promotion.
I can't believe it... @AnalYsis really tamed Tyrell... I never thought it was possible, he has just downloaded Titanic, Pretty Woman, the Notebook, Pride and Prejudice, Love Story, The bodyguard, Shakespeare in Love and Dirty Dancing... he's now crying because Di Caprio is drowning... he's sobbing something like "OMG Jack Didn't Have To Die... they could have lived happily ever after..." eating icecream and drinking red wine with "I Will Always Love You" by Whitney Houston playing loud in the background... Mia what did you do to the guy?!?!?!
And it was also the first opening of the new Titty Twister... #TittyTwister #Caesarsbar #BBC #Tyrellinlove #WTF @Analysis #Tyrellisdoingwell
Be Cool And Be Nice
Better you Be , Baby .Coz I am ..WTF -