Family is reunited under the Tour Bordel #Tyrellinlove #Tyrellisdoingwell #Family_Fun #Caesarsbar #cesarebar
Family is reunited under the Tour Bordel #Tyrellinlove #Tyrellisdoingwell #Family_Fun #Caesarsbar #cesarebar
I can't believe it... @AnalYsis really tamed Tyrell... I never thought it was possible, he has just downloaded Titanic, Pretty Woman, the Notebook, Pride and Prejudice, Love Story, The bodyguard, Shakespeare in Love and Dirty Dancing... he's now crying because Di Caprio is drowning... he's sobbing something like "OMG Jack Didn't Have To Die... they could have lived happily ever after..." eating icecream and drinking red wine with "I Will Always Love You" by Whitney Houston playing loud in the background... Mia what did you do to the guy?!?!?!
And it was also the first opening of the new Titty Twister... #TittyTwister #Caesarsbar #BBC #Tyrellinlove #WTF @Analysis #Tyrellisdoingwell
...heyyy baby
...you're so "krass" ...love it