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Minders 123 Erika: Is this just a drive or are we actually going anywhere? Tia: My money says we’ll find the car stops at a pub. Smokey: I damned well hope so – my mouth’s as dry as the Kalahari desert! Forest: Don’t worry old man, I think we’ll find some good real ale. Tia: Does that mean I’ll be driving back? Forest: Good idea – an offer too good to refuse! Erika: He lets you drive this Tia? Tia: Oh yes. I love driving and this car’s a dream! Forest: Are we having another? Smokey: Why not Foresht? Order zem up while I go reshycle the lasht three – or is it four? Tia: It’s five actually but you can have one more. Forest: Does your pop up pissoir app extend this far Tia? Tia: I set it to track the route and it adds any new ones on the way Erika: Is this a normal session for them? Tia: Yes but don’t worry – they’ll fall asleep till their bladder alarms start ringing! Smokey: Right! I never pish my pantsh. If I need it there’s alwaysh a tree needs watering. Erika: (thinks) No wonder they need minders! Erika: I see what you mean – they look dead to the world. Tia: Yes but I’ll stop at the diner over the hill, they’ll be ready for a pit stop. Erika: The diner doesn’t mind you stopping just for that? Tia: We eat there often enough. The girls know them and besides, they don’t have to fight for who goes first! Erika: (thinks) This girl is really well organised. I think I’m going to like working with her.

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