#wishlist, I actually very much miss the feature we had on the old Gamerotica web site a decade ago or more, where you could "FAVORITE" an item listed in the share section by clicking a small star next to that item similar to the LIKE button feature. This put that item into a "Favorite List" within your own profile, and you could browse through it and find ALL the models, textures, toys, and whatever else you added a star to and selected as a favorite on the share page. A movie, a model, body skin texture, etc..This allowed you to easily and quickly find ALL the mods and/or textures (with direct links to them) that you used on your creations, so when it was time to upload one you could open your favorites folder in your own profile and go through the list of all the ones you downloaded and use, instead of having to try and remember WHO made it, or WHAT the the exact spelling or way it was written was when the creator added it to the share section and dealing with a search engine that is far far far too particular, and most often requires the search to have EXACT wording and spelling and all punctuation marks most of the time, or wont show you the items you seek. Having the "FAVORITES" List back in our user profiles would negate the need to repeatedly use the search engine to find older uploaded content such as body skins or other older items and parts, as well as make it faster to add links to your references when you are going to post something, if you marked all the things you downloaded and/or are going to use as a "favorite". I realize this is a lot more extra data being stored within a user account, but this really needs to happen with so much content spanning over a decade or longer being difficult to locate. especially items from members who are no longer with us, where an exact link to their item is the only way to get to it since there user names will often show up as "member could not be found" This would also reduce the need for the search engine to be tweaked, (if it actually ever has been)
@wizgum, I used to keep all the models other creators made in that list that I really liked too. That allowed me to keep my downloaded content in my game smaller, so I could add the model whenever I chose to do so into my game folder easily. Which had the additional benefit of allowing your game to load up faster cause you didn't have to keep everything in your game folders on your PC. But this feature was priceless when it came to Favoriting the mods you wanted to keep a direct link to so you didn't have to go hunt them down or ask someone if they knew who made this item or that one etc...Priceless feature. HANDS_DOWN.
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@dragonfyre, Just think how much less bitching you will hear out of me about the search engine. I recon that would be priceless too. LMAO! clicky the like button on it if you support that additional bonus feature all by itself.
It would be a great feature alone...just for the quick access for the references
@dragonfyre, When my old hardrive went bad I lost all of my models and textures, @Janitor helped me by emailing me the list of all the content I had downloaded over a long period of time, but not everything was saved, and I had to go hunt for many of them again on the website which took many months, and still I don't have all my old clothing mods re-loaded. Mainly cause I can't find them again. If the Favorites feature had still been on my user account here on this new website, All of my downloaded items I marked as "Favorite" would have still been there, and easy to find and reload onto my PC, in probably less than a full day. One more good reason to have it back. If anyone's PC or hard drive shits the bed, they wont have to worry about loosing their favorite items and having to go hunt for them again. Just log in and go to their own user account and Favorites list, and start re-downloading without having to search at all.
True...but on that note....I also keep every zip file I download on a separate drive....so acts as a back up....it has to be a bad crash to take out all drives....but it can happen....this way I do have a better chance at least. I did have an incident where my power supply died and took my only copy of all my work when it took out the drive with it....cost me 500.00 to get it retrieved....but now I always back up on another drive.
@dragonfyre, I didn't have that luxury, at that time, and with new content constantly being added to my Thrixx folders whether it be stuff I made or stuff I download from here into my game program, I would have to run a back-up like every two weeks to keep it current. I do have a zip drive that I store my stuff on from time to time to keep that nightmare from occurring again. But that's a different topic. It still does not help you find reference links you need on this website when you're going to post something you made. The Favorites List will, and that's my main reason for wanting this feature back. Saves time and headaches of trying to locate items that the search engine doesn't recognize because you didn't spell it exactly the same way the creator did, or don't know it's exact name or who the creator was cause it was made years ago, or the creator shut down their account making it impossible to find the items unless you know exactly who made it and its full name. Or you just don't have a photographic memory of who made what, or just save an item you intend to use for an upcoming project to post here etc.. I am like two years behind on posting the models I created solely because searching for the mods used on the model became a nightmare with the search engine. Older content wasn't showing up in the search engine, or some was made by users who are no longer with us and the website won't show their user profiles after they been shut off. Then even newer content someone made wouldn't show up using the search engine, even when you used words that were in the name of the item, or the entire name, but didn't know who made it. I got sick of spending more time searching for the references than it took me to make the models, so I stopped posting them. People wanted my models recently so I am posting them again, but its going to be a slow process for each model due to the search engines constant failures. A favorites list in our profiles would change all that, and make working on things for use here, a much more pleasant experience.
But the main reason for requesting the Favorites List be put back in our user accounts is primarily so that we can access the items we use or need for reference purposes and have direct links readily handy so mods that are hard to find due to creators leaving or just items that you don't know EXACTLY what its called or how they spelled it wont require you to waste time in the search engine and coming up empty. Backing up your own files isn't the primary use for this feature. Though it also helps as an added measure. Quick referencing and access to items you want to keep track of on the web site is, because the search engine usually falls short of finding the items you request of it. and we all got better things we'd like to do than search for an hour just to hopefully locate a single body texture or a room mod we need for references in our uploads.
That does sound like a pretty great feature. I’d get a lot of use out of that. Even as little as I’ve done here in the past I would have found it useful.
It's a feature I sure would like too. Nothing is more tedious than trying to track down content creators in order to credit them for their work when you upload something. I also wish I could've been there when the old site was up.
@TTBadBoy, the old Gamerotica site page was great, but there was also a lot of drama as content creators had to deal with a lot of cloners taking their content and re-posting them as their own work, with usually just a small change to the model, if any at all. Then we also had forums instead of this hashtag thing, so conversations among larger groups of members was commonplace, and went on all day and night long. A lot more social and all-inclusive than this site became with friends lists and blocking features. You didn't have to request someone to be your friend here, or block anyone, But people today got issues I guess. Now there's a discord channel you can go to to actually talk, which we didn't have in the old days. Though back then it might have gotten ugly. Lol. Some didn't get along with each other at times in the old forums, or got into written shouting and cursing at each other. A lot of competitiveness there as well over getting in the Top content list on the front page. This was before modding was even possible for the game program and you had to make content the best you could with the basic models and their body parts thri-xxx provided only. It forced members to get better at their craft, and eventually brought more people from other software as things got better and better. Then modding began happening to basic Thri-xxx clothing but nothing like people can do now with the program. This site is very different than what our old site was in many ways now. Some good, some not so much. but times change and we either adapt or go do something else. I still give modders a hard time sometimes in the occasional post, cause I knew if modding took over, Thri-xxx would pass the torch and we would hardly see any updated content items to use anymore made by Thri-xxx. They would for the most part sit back and just let everyone else do the work, but the modding is what keeps this program alive and more fun now. So it's not as bad as it used to be when we had to beg Thri-xxx for something new to use. I still give modders the occasional ribbing though. I wouldn't want to disappoint my haters. lol
@Briar27 No problem with the 'favourites' suggestion.
Correct spelling of mods? It shows up top left of your screen when you're in customise mode and have the mouse over the item in the 'wardrobe'. Has saved me a bit of time.
I also have a spreadsheet with the links for around 2000 items.
#foresterotica #wishlist @Dirty-Six @PussinBoobs
Two items for you to consider please:
We have translate on the stream and chat. Can it be added to the comments on ITEMS?
Any chance the model morphing and bio scale could be extended beyond the current maximum of 60 years? I know I'm not the only one here with a ME model who passed that age some time ago.
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I'd still like a prego slider for male models too. Us guys don't usually get any thinner or more buff as we get older. Not until we are rotting in a coffin anyway. Lol.
That.. is a valid input on both unkie @forestporn I ll make sure this gets asked.
I am at the sexy age of 69, and can still get an erection. depending on the wind speed and direction, and room tempiture and which women I am looking at
Alcohol also plays a big part. -
Ha Ha @Briar27 - only after they've done the age limit, don't want to be looking old for your years!
@PussinBoobs, not to take away frm @forestporn's quarry
but, I Still have a Community Pose folder count issue!
I Apologize @forestporn for the interruption! -
wrong person to contact @Str8Nemesis that would be SUPPORT or LIVE SUPPORT or me.
Now I know.. I ll have it looked at..
can you send me a bit more detial? IE: is it not showing the correct number at all. showing but not accessible.. not able to load?
@Mother, Actually u're Wrong. She and I had
this conversation about this, this Summer.
She has All/knows-knew the details and She contacted Me about it!
Excellent then.. if you have a an open dialogue.. however.. it's always best to use the contact system, so we have a record. Others may suffer the same issue. And not everyone updates info to the back end list on those one on one without the contact record
My and many users wishes for thriXXX in 2020:
- Keep Your Customers Happy
keep your servers running smoothly
- Threesome Poses
Users Want It
- MOAN automatically is a pain in the ass
plz disconnect ot from the Global Volume Control
#BloodWorks #TOTM-THRIXXX2020 #wishlist
3DSV2 Wishlist 2020
- More toy save slots and toys per model,
- A name search for toys and textures,
- Offline play option,
- Full make-up options for male models,
- New and expanded size and shape slider options for male and female body skeletons/meshes including but perhaps not limited to neck, nipple, areola, and testicle sliders,
- An option to choose/change the default in PoseEdit from Smooth/Flat/etc.,
- An option for content creators to delete or to block any and all comments on a given content item of a creator's own creation, and...
- An option on MyShare folders to make the items in it only viewable for people on one's Friends and/or Followers.
Jason Blood: https://www.thrixxx.com/gamerotica/item/4880973
Shirt by @Voy969: https://www.thrixxx.com/gamerotica/item/542936
Jeans by @Cronan: http://gamerotica.thrixxx.com/item/710536
Location by @Kisume : https://www.thrixxx.com/gamerotica/item/642976
#TOTM-THRIXXX2020 #wishlist
More Toy save slots, and Free Premier membership for OAP's
I remember that was the feature we lost that I really wanted.