inlovewithh posted on godless8's XStream

"Cally doesn't always do Solo Missions. But when she does...she makes epic entrances."
Stay G8 my friends. And Happy 4th of July to You my friend @godless8 Even if you don't celebrate it over there, you get something awesome anyway =P I hope you have a wonderful day, and thank you for always being there. Whether I was having the worst days or whether you were having the worst days you never took a second off from being one of my very best friends or being there for me, and for that I shall always thank you
And always cherish that said friendship as well as yourself ^_^ Have a great one!!
#TheBansheehasLanded #LikeaPhoenix #oraBoss #whichevercomesfirst #winkwinknudgenudgerightright
man this tears my eyes up lol! I'm happy to have you in my life too my friend!