#ScriptPreview #SOHK #Problem
Just a preview of what's to come in animated film of mine sooner rather than later
Somewhere in Episode 1:
Zimmercian(leader of the Skulls) continues to drink her beverage as a voice comes in from the side.
Problem: If that's what you do to your friends.. I'd hate to see what you do to your enemies..
Problem walks up to the table as two guards cross blades in front of her to stop her from proceeding to the Boss's table; Problem turns her head towards them in an 'are you serious' fashion.
Z: Don't hurt yourselves. Let her enter! (waves them off)
Problem: Depriving me of some early morning fun already?
Z: Fun is for friends (smirks).
Problem: Clearly. (Problem sits down in front of her) So let's make friendly (gets comfortable).
Z: Come on now Problem..we both know each other much better than that.
Problem(through a smirk): Not good enough to be friends though.
Z(waves her hand in annoyance): Have you come here to banter back and forth or did you actually come here for a purpose?
Problem: If you wish to displace formalities...
Problem places her elbows down on the table while bringing Z's soda across the table to her own hand without touching it.
Problem: You go first.
Z: You have something that belongs to me Problem... I'd rather you give it back the easy way.
Problem: So this is one of 'them' is it? (Leans back in interest) What are my options?
Z: Your first option, slide it to me over this table top and walk away.
Problem: (takes a drink of Z's beverage) Boring....
Z: Naturally... Second option, you get up and leave, and my people keep "visiting" you until you come to your senses.
Problem(pausing before taking a drink): Can you afford the hospital bills?
Leader(smiles and narrows her brow leaning forward): Not that rich.
Problem: (smirks) If that's the case then it's news to me that gangs now offer insurance nowadays to their flunkies.
Leader: Who says I do? (twiddles her fingers) The third option is-
Gang(Skulls) Member 1 slams his fists down on table in front of Problem causing her to look at it)
Skull1: The third option you clever little b-tch is that we beat your ass right here right now and take it from you!
Problem watches Skull1 while tapping her fingers on the table and waiting for him to finish.
Z sighs and looks to the side.
Problem: (scratches her head) That does sound like some interesting propositions.
Unfortunately neither interest me. (Problem Smiles) Now.. why don't you put 'that'
away (pointing at his hand on the table) before someone gets hurt.
Skull1 reals back and tries to punch Problem who dodges it and slams his head down
on the table and places her blade down on one side of his arm while pinning his head down with her hand.
Problems tone shifts almost seamlessly from her arrogant tone to one much more sinister.
Problem: How about this option Zimmercian.. how about you Skulls leave me AND Violet alone. Then you ask me real nicely and I might give it back to you.
Skull1(rageful): YOU STUPID B-
Problem increases the pressure on his arm and presses her blade closer to it across the table and diverts her attention from Z to the Skull member she holds in submission.
Problem: Do you want to lose this arm!? Learn to hush when a lady is speaking! Or maybe your tongue goes next...
Problems face then turns to one of sadisticness bordering on insane.
Z: Enough... (tosses a wad of money Problem's way). That's all you're getting, in return for what you're giving back to me...and for my colleagues arm.
Problem(smiles in Zimmercian's direction): And now we're on the same page (tosses
Skull1 to the ground and takes up the money and stands before reaching into her pocket and taking out the phone she'd stolen and sliding it across the table) here you go Z. I didn't look inside it or read any of it.
Z(takes it up and looks through it): I'm sure that means you did.
Problem: Of course.. but nothing that would compromise you. Contrary to what you may think I still do respect SOME of your privacies you know.
And that's all I'm giving you thus far Hope you had fun. Yes... I'm still actively working on SOHK. Ya'll didn't think I forgot did you? #tsktsk
Anyway I hope you enjoyed the little preview of things to come when I start animating SOHK once more Talk to you all soon!
@thisisatemp oh don't stop there *wink wink* hehe ^_^
ha ha I promise I shall return to this post when I have caught up the stream. I am still 4 days behind lol. I will say I think Problem kicks ass and is the kind of lead only Lambent would over shadow
I love the darkness of this pic, with the faint light of hope shining through... love the narrative you're creating here.