
This Hippo got me through the roughest times when I was going through them ^_^ sometimes it's the simplest and yet somewhat disturbing ^_^ But when I was going through my roughest days in the early 2000s this is something I always came back to that cheered me up ^_^ I do not know why But it just did lol So start your day with a smile and let Kozo melt all your troubles away heheh


#throwback #Kozo

SOHK Prologue: Episode 0
For those whom wonder why Lambent (whom had locked herself away in maximum security prison) is now in GE City or even out in general. This is the video that shows why.

Contrary to popular belief that she 'escaped' she was actually released.. by the ever manipulative, and devious Lin (one of my favorite characters I've not shown much of), whom never gives her even the courtesy of revealing her name. But will recruit her back into the world Lambent no longer wants a part of..under 'one' condition and for the one reason she feels Lambent can't resist.

Here you get the verbal.. and mental back and forth from between Lambent's brilliance and perceptiveness against Lin's manipulation and brilliance of her own. I won't spoil anything. For those that have seen it, thank you by the way, again for all the support back then. For those that have NOT seen it... fasten in.

P.S. there's sound..even in silence(which is intentional). Enjoy!

P.P.S. Yes... I will re-do this scene with voice acting and lip sync one day soon. Yes Lambent's voice actress will return..and Lin shall be portrayed by...well that is gonna be my secret Enjoy! ^_^

#SOHK #Lambent #Lin #Prologue #TheJail #SoundEffects #Throwback

  • Cool i love this animation movies coming from your side

    created by GunjamanX 9 years ago Who liked this?
  • @inlovewithh A thousand thanks for this. You're a genius!

    created by littlefighter 9 years ago Who liked this?
  • An awesome video!

    created by dirthack 9 years ago Who liked this?
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Way Back Wednesday
Character: Princess Ellie

"Promise me Suki. In the years to come.
As your Legend and Skills grow.
After all your accomplishments and triumphs have concluded...

That you'll remember me in your most intimate moments.

For I stand alone inside of you...
As I will forever stand as the one person...
To have ever defeated you.

Back when all Suki Nikita was...

Was a little would-be thief trying to feed her mother...
Back when you were young....and not as skilled..
Back when you underestimated me and the top of your head still regrets it.

Back when a ruthless Princess..
Took in a shoddy Pauper.

Back when a loner in the kingdom..
Took on a best friend

Back when the unteachable..
Took on a protege.

Back when the riches of the Kingdom..
Couldn't compare to the richness of our memories..

Back when the royal dinners..
Were nothing compared to the late night escapes..

And back... when an only child..
Found the greatest sibling she never had...

And back when the most alone in our world
Thought she'd finally found an answer.

So give me that first moment...
And remember the warrior I was.

Before I knew you, and lost my edge!"
-Princess Ellie

#throwback #princessandthepauper #theonewhobeatyou #WBW

  • That looks realy Cool

    created by GunjamanX 1 decade ago Who liked this?
  • i thing so

    created by Angela-F 1 decade ago Who liked this?
  • A tragedyof Shakespearean proportions beckons methinks....

    created by thisisatemp 1 decade ago Who liked this?
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