So some #site-suggestions #suggestions #site-issues. Back in the old days we could only upload / share in a limited amount; only 3 / hour or such was possible. This was done to ensure that we all had a fair chance in getting noticed.
These days it seems to be a free for all, and I'm not too sure this is a good thing. One player can easily upload and share a whole page of stuff, easily pushing away other contents and fully putting the focus on themselves. Yet quantity doesn't make quality.
Sure; this works both ways, players looking for contents can also look harder. Even so... I sometimes do miss the days where we had a little more diversity.
#site-suggestions For the X-Stream, (or at least the X-Stream as it effects our personal pages)
I think that we should/could make use of a "Sticky" or a "Pinned" for our own personal X-Stream pages or profile pages that will always appear as the 'top post' on our page.
The reason I think this could help out the site is because there are many storytellers here and people whom make picture series or movies or different stories via hashtag or such.
Having a "Pinned" or "Sticky" on the top of our own personal X-Streams enables us to have a post where we could put all the hashtags to our most recent stories which would make it easier to find them.
For example, if @dragonfyre is working on a 300 page story But also has about 2-3 stories going on at the same time, having a post at the top of his page that enables him to go
Stories: This Story One #Thisstorryone
This story Two #Thisstorytwo
Current: This Current Story #thiscurrentstory
And then all someone that comes to his page has to do is select the hashtag and they can go directly through it without missing anything.
Just a small suggestion which I think would help the X-Stream and it's clutter capabilities if people are away for a few days, weeks, months, or even years, to keep up with some of their favorite storytellers / content creators.
Very good ideas @inlovewithh ...I know if you go to the Gamerotica page and use the filters for CREATOR and SCREENSHOTS it will list my last shots, but it shows everything I did and not just the stories....I set up a Table of Contents on my profile much like @NewGuy was actually works better...just click on the link and it opens up the story in numerical order...I prefer this method for now.
use your 'About ME' Area... it's rather simple.. As to posting, trying to read a 300 page story from the stream.. pfft.. pass.. due to how the stream works.. it displays from last to 1st post not the other way round. The right tagging of items also helps to fine tune creator items.. You place it all under the same headings.. well that's what you'll get.. a lump you'll have to wade through..
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You also do know that when you the 'pound' symbol you create a hashtag? That will never see stuff posted to it.. So many over use this system.. with more than one 'hash' in a posting.. that may only see one or two posts into it.. but.. the problem is that now it's been used and anyone trying the same end up posting into that created hash. I'm sure you see what I'm getting at here.. and you can see 1000's of 1 post hashtags listed..
#site-suggestions, #sitesuggestions So I came back from a small break and I'm very excited that we can now sort the items in our share sets. That is going to be *awesome* for my story poses. Heck, even motivates me a little to reboot some of those.
One comment though: when sorting items it would really help if you guys could make real icons out of our items (or use bigger ones). Right now all you see is the upper left corner, which isn't very useful.
Other than that: thanks for the new updates, I'm happy to see that you guys still keep improving things!
#PinkElephant #site-issues #site-suggestions
Just a few random thoughts:
Linking directly to a shared item through the X Stream was a great improvement but there are still problems. When you click the picture you basically get an image overlayed on the X Stream which you then have to click on for ‘like’ but if you want to leave a comment you need to hit yet another button. It would be preferable to click on the item in the X Stream and be forced directly to the item page on the Gamerotica site. ‘Liking’ items twice is pretty redundant and it is far easier to do in the X Stream but those likes and comments are actually lost very quickly. The place where I, and I would guess many others, would like to see the comments etc on the share items.
A couple of things I have noticed since trying out the site for the first time since the latest updates. Firstly, there is now a huge discrepancy between views and likes. I don’t know if this is because views via the X Stream are being added to views via the share site…however, if this is the case the ‘likes’ from the X Stream certainly aren’t being calculated into the overall figure. Just to illustrate I looked at 7 recent items from different creators and found the following:
Total views 335
Total likes 48
Those same items had around 115 likes directly attributed to the X Stream. @Dirty-six - I am wondering if it would be possible to have a system whereby if we click ‘like’ for an item it is automatically allocated to the share item whether we click the button in the X Stream or the share site.
There is still the issue that if we ‘like’ an item twice in the share site the total number of likes decreases by one. Is there any way that this can be addressed so once we have hit the button we can’t go back and do it again. At the old site once you voted for something you couldn’t go back and vote again. I would like to see the same principle at the new site.
Another thing for consideration would be to bring back some share limits for the Gamerotica site. I have no issue if people want to upload to the X Stream but not to the share site. If people do want to share more than say three items they could create a set and link directly to it but it would only show as one upload at the site. This would be similar to the old site where people could upload sets of up to 12 images as a single upload – this would be quite clear as the image would be bordered in green. Share limits meant that people often had to be more stringent with their editing – you might have seven or eight items to upload and have to choose just one or two of them which really helped with the quality of the uploads.
I know that some people are far more prolific than other and would find limits frustrating but they are something that you get used to and by allowing people three sets of images (with twelve or so in each) you could satisfy the more productive members but also keep the number of Gamerotica uploads to a more manageable level.
@Max_33 Stats must be accurate before they are of any use. There is a lot of bugs right now, and I think the Views are just one more...52 people didn't Like my most recent share...not going to take that personal. I am getting more Item Likes than before the update. For a day or two, I stopped providing the item link in the XStream and Item Comments dropped, I put the link back on, and the Comments increased.
Count me out for upload/share limits. I like it how it is just fine like that. now I don't need to plan ahead when I upload, less worries, more relaxing. the views and likes are indeed off, but I'm wondering if this is simply due to the kind of viewers we have now. item likes and comments linked to share item sounds okay to me.
The problem, that I see it as, is people still feel they need the X-Stream to view content. Gamerotica does it, and does it better/faster.
1. You don't have walls of text you have to load through.
2. You don't have externally linked videos to have to load through.
3. It isn't linear, you can start at whatever page you want.
4. You can get up to 96 items of content to view on one page if you want.
5. You can see what other people are making, those who are not your friend.
I also did a test, releasing something JUST to Gamerotica. Got a few likes, and a few comments, nothing like what I would get on the X-Stream. Indeed, most people are pretending like there was no site upgrade at this point. They still act like the site was a year ago. Complain and complain to demand the old site back, when we get it, pretend like it wasn't fixed...
The problem isn't going to be fixed by just automatically linking to Gamerotica via the X-Stream (In fact, the way they do it now is probably better, as you do not force people to load gamerotica, gamerotica comes to the X-Stream).
However, people are notoriously lazy, they will just like the X-Stream anyways. Even if the content is right there at just a click.
To me, linking stuff to the X-Stream is kind of like posting "Hey, I created something new" on the old forums. A few people did that, kind of tacky and takes up space IMO.
The problem is that people are 'addicted' to the X-Stream. It is a VERY poor way in sharing content, but, I figure that most people who have been online for a year here pretty much refuse to check Gamerotica.
Until that behavoiur changes, I figure the updates to Gamerotica will be somewhat, sadly, useless, if people refuse to use it...
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I believe sharing directly to the x stream creates two items, the one on the stream and one in your new X stream folder in your my shares. You can like both or one. The X stream folder is not visible on 'Gamerotica" so you need to share it over there in a different folder or your public's confusing, but depending on how you go about it, you have the potential for three individual items and likes for each. The points farmers have a new crop!
Sigh. I had been used to sharing via the old site. Then I got used to sharing via the X-Stream. Now I am going to have to get used to something else? Consistency is one of the most important requirement s for user acceptance.
I am thinking I might just ignore the X Streams altogether as far as content is concerned and just stick to searching and sharing via the share site. I've done so with a few screenshots in the past. The reason I don't think it is completely redundant for sharing content is because some people don't upload to GE but link through third-party sites. They can get rid of the 'likes' altogether imo - points are meaningless here anyway; they give you 50,000,000 for creating an avatar.
@spelss - I take your point about just clicking the X Stream. As I mentioned in my post people would often rate page after page of thumbnails without opening a single item because it was easier. The issue here is that we had a year of confusion - using the X Stream to advertise content seemed to be almost forced on us as a way of offsetting the godawful share site as I recall - and behaviour won't change overnight.
after the latest updates - and I've only really been here for a day or so to check them out - I don't think there is much need for me to bother linking to anything via the X Stream. 'Likes' are pretty much lost after a day or so, as is anything that gets yeah, the streams seem basically redundant and hopefully over time people will gravitate back to the share site for content
I don't plan on changing the way I use the Xstream, to me, the Xstream is something a lot of people , unknowingly, actually wished for. Many people wished for a place they could see only the posts of their friends, the Xstream does just that. But, what makes the Xstream good FOR ME, is that, I also have the internet connection to sustain it. for people who don't, I can understand the load times make it suck. but that's your internet, not the Xstreams fault.
@spelss I think @Max_33 is right. Give it some time. We've only had a couple months of Comment notifications for items and a few days of decent thumbnails and improved viewing. Don't worry, there are things happening on the XStream that are going to drive people to use Gamerotica exclusively. The more people who post 20 real life gifs at one time in the XStream, the more SV users will use Gamerotica.
@spelss, @Max_33, @Mouse, Please don't take this the wrong way, but the only way to stop people from using the X stream and view content on GE is to stop posting your work on the X stream............If it's that important, make a post on the stream and get people to commit to not sharing work there. I would be willing if enough people joined in. Obviously it wouldn't work if people just stopped sharing. They would have to commit to posting SOME work on GE. Too many people have been riding this out, waiting for things to be exactly what they want. I think people need to do less talking and do more doing!
@Mclain - comments/downloads/votes are nice as they offer some kind of encouragement. I didn't even mind the old ranking sytem as it did give an indication of site activity. Trouble is, levels/rankings can also cause enmity if they are associated with 'quality' - which is completely different to 'popularity'. A couple of years ago I asked thrixxx to reset my points to zero after one of the regular forum spats (they sent a ticket back saying they couldn't). I might try something similar here...asking to remain always at level 1 or 69 has a certain appeal
@Max, the ability to hide your level.........we can hide everything except our have all your setting set to "hide" already.
@Mclain Not taken the wrong way You are correct. I'm at the end of the rope with the, spam, hide no longer works, gifs,.. I thought of dropping off the XStream on Friday for every day screenshots, but the texture upload broke and I changed my mind. XStream for discussions like this and I still may post textures and toys, TOTW, AssShotSaturdays.
@Mouse you could block the adds with ad block, Dunno which browser you use, but I know firefox has it and I think chrome too. as to the spam and gifs, they changed the way the stream works now, normally, that you can friend someone, but not necessarily have to see what that person is sharing. I think to see what they share you need to follow someone. so if you stop following that person. you will get a much cleaner stream.
Either way, if you decide to stop sharing on the Xstream, I advice you to make posts on your stream to notify people they can still find your work in GE, else you might well be shooting yourself in the foot.
@Mouse @Mclain, indeed, I agree, it is a matter of ripping a band-aid, kind of like what Joshua is doing, actually deleting people's comments off his X-Stream. It will take time, with ads, GIFs, MusicVideos, X-Stream content posts with 1000 words of text, could indeed push people to Gamerotica. I figure that I will use Gamerotica almost exclusively, as Mclain suggests, with maybe a weekly X-Stream post linking to what I had done. Not necessarily cold-turkey quitting...
@godless8, if only a few do it, it's shooting yourself in the foot. If we all did it...........the X stream would become secondary. Linking your work from the X stream doesn't work either. You have to MAKE people use GE to view content. Links on the stream.....well, that's still using the stream!
@godless8, this is where we disagree. The X-Stream is a forced forum, indeed, one that is linear, and impossible to sort beyond user and if they happened to hashtag correctly, and if others do so as well.
One simply cannot load page 5 of the X-Stream without seeing pages 1-4 beforehand. This makes casual use of the stream impossible, due to the volume of material. One can jump to any page on Gamerotica they choose, immediately.
I don't need the X-Stream to see what my friends are doing, I can set a filter in Gamerotica, which means I will probably miss fewer creations.
The old forums worked selectively, I can pick and choose what I want to see, read up on, or to have load. I rarely visited the 'what are you listening to', but now I have to if I want the X-Stream.
Anyways, having the X-Stream as the primary form of sharing isn't the most effective. The old site had a great way in sharing content, the new site now does too... -
@spelss.............What? You are the biggest advocate for using GE to view content but you don't want to quit the X stream cold turkey?................Do you see that THATS why we still use the X stream! ...........I'm gonna do some work in the real world for the rest of the day.
@Mclain @spelss which is why you have Gamerotica, the thing is, it's totally up to you guys, on how you want to use the site. if you wish to purely use GE, hey, more power to you! But I've personally seen the benefits of using the Xstream in combination with the hashtags, so I still want to use it. now I get the best of both worlds.
Giving that I tend to post something about every 6 months, I suppose it is irrelevant as to what I do anymore.
@godless8 I have the ads blocked on Firefox. I have issues with them just being there like I do with HBO, a pay channel. I watch Thrones on Netflix with no ads, and I'm ok with ads on CBS, a free channel. I've paid for the community pack...I shouldn't see ads here.
I like the CONTENT people post on the stream in moderation and in a flood...I don't want to miss any of that. GE just has better flood control. -
@Mouse But does GE have better flood control ? in GE everyone, that has an account , can share items. I see those latest screenshots page fill up really fast. and it will only get worse. unless you use filters I don't see how GE gives better flood control. I also prefer to overlook (not look at, overlook) content on the xstream because I feel you see the item icon more clearly than on GE....
@Mouse I personally think both GE and the Xstream have negatives and positives, and I personally prefer to use them both. I think GE will be good for me, to find other users and their work. I've also found the Xstream to be, deceptively good at bringing in new fans and keeping them up to date. I think that, each person needs to find a good balance to what they prefer and how to use the sites and the tools it gives them.
I think both Joshua and you Spelss, have been the smartest, in getting what you want, with what was given to you. in that you wanted people to go to your item page to comment, and I've seen that a lot of people do indeed do that. You've been smart in doing that from the start. and now people are used to doing it. I would suggest, to keep doing it like that, the share function, although momentarily fucking broken, will help you, I've found it much easier to now press the image and rate it and post my comment immediately in the item page. from the Xstream.
I got accustomed to the x stream and will probably be using it still; never go the gamerotica site unless I am looking for textures. Since I can't do anything here now until my error report is addressed it's all a moot point anyways.
@godless8 Real life images are already filtered from GE. Floods of photoposes are in Poses, not screenshots. (I can tell an animated pose from a thumbnail as I know who makes animated poses and I know their preview artwork) I can spot and ignore Daz screenshots that contain children from the 48 thumbnail page.
@Godless8 Oh, I intend to use both. I may just post most screenshots only on G.E. People ask for help on the XStream and I like to help people. I don't like making comics, but if I have a story or joke to tell that I can't tell without any text, XStream.
@Mouse I'll give you the real life images and the animations, but the DAZ one's, if you can ignore those there, you might as well scroll further down the xstream too, or hide them, which I do for certain posts, like gifs. and you can't hide screenshots spammed by people, whos work you don't like in GE. either way, both have pros and cons, and we need to use whatever we have and however we prefer to use it on an individual basis.
If it was me I would scrape the X-Stream completly. The only problem - at least for me - if I only post my stuff on GE I get very little to no reception ... something like 2 or 3 likes by the usual like spammers
(tried it a few times) At the moment I don't really stay up to date with the stuff released but every week or so make a filter at GE for certain persons and can catch up on their stuff rather quick...
... without having to see what music videos they like or whatever they think they have to share with others...
Oh, and on the initial post of Max: I always thought that some kind of shared comments feature for the GE item and the X-Stream would be nice. You make a comment to the item on the X-Stream-> it's displayed on the GE item as well. You make a comment to the GE item -> it's displayed on the X-Stream as well. This way everyone could use what they want and don't have to post twice or only pick one of the options...
#sitesuggestions #site-suggestions On GE: Consider resetting search filter when players apply a (new) custom one.
Here's the problem: right now I have 3 filters: one to show me toys, one for H3D2 screenshots and one for H3D2 models. It works really well at first visit.
But if I checked the models and then want to switch to toys the previous filter remains in place. So instead of searching for just any toy I now only search for toys in the H3D2 game. So to use another filter I have to reset them first. IMO you should apply that to the custom filters too.
#site-suggestions, #sitesuggestions Also show the name of a toy on the product page itself.
Example is this awesome coffin, made by @veemy:
If you follow that link you won't know that you're looking at: "Ve coffin of vampire rerelease".
I agree.
I doubt why the name of the item is not displayed on the page. @Dirty-Six -
Oh, forgot to comment that, yes of course this will be done, i already put it on the list. thanks for suggesting.
@Dirty-Six out of place comment (I'm kinda wasted) but honestly: first of thanks for your comment. Second, but no offense (I am kinda in a "tell it like it is" kind of mood); I hope you guys realize how much good-will you're creating for just being here with us players.
Honestly you guys; even a "No, sorry; we won't be doing that" is SO much better than not hearing anything at all.
(and yes, trust me: I know like no other that you can't answer everyone).
I'll have a talk to the team if this was done by intention or not and if we should go back to the 3 / hour system