#kittyclub #scaryvilla
The KITTYCLUB recommends :
Use the chathouse time to visit the
Halloween Villa
open room @IuliusCaesar
Incredible... a lot of details...designed with love.
Especially the dance cage... and the brocade wall...
velvety soft ...real Kittysyle

Hello amazing people.
To properly wish you a memorable Halloween, I am proud to introduce you the first user generated location to go straight to public room! It was intended to be a gift from me to all of you and thanks to the brilliant Thrixxx staff it became reality.
So, please go visit the public rooms and discover this new add before it... magically disappears!
If you want any texture or have any questions or suggestions, just send a PM my way.
I usually don't like to mention many people in the same post but I really hope I am bringing you good news.
#InItaliaPiace #CaesarMansion #RoomEditor #RoomModding #universalobjects #horror #scaryvilla
TO ALL THE ROOM EDITORS OUT THERE: All the textures and any information you may need are available upon request.
@Abhirati @alina666 @Alefz @amare @Amy @Ana_Fox @Anong @AsianCrazyKitty @AttrapeMoi @BabyBoop @B_Jones @bondagerope @CandySugar @Carol012 @Cherry33 @Chickie @Cilar @coffeeWhore64 @CrazyAF @CuriousG @Cyanna @danadd @Dante_DMC @dawning @Delcona @dragonfyre @egiryttoow @Elzbet @Emmalein @flyingheart @FoxyLuv69 @Foxyme @Francine_126 @Glamorous @harmlessgeek @helen1990 @Herby1 @IamXox @ISABELLXXX @JaynieP @Jenny_O @Jessica_L @JoHarvelle @KayceeBlack @kellymare @kingbird @Kissy_Kiki @krissi92 @Larisa_Sweety @Lassi @LauraShepard @Leshette-Pet @LittleSoul @Lenki @LuisaIndecent @Lythtis @MadameChloe @Manola85 @Marc19 @Mariann_44 @Maymilly @MarPas @Mattis123 @Miranda_Lawson @MissAurelie @Nadine_love @Nelly69 @Nofretete @pepperjoy @perfect_drug @Redtko @RicoDeMonteCristo @SAM_urai @SandraVo @Sarah @Sarar98 @Sarisa @-Sphynx- @SwissCurious @Tamika @tessa29 @Tsuga @TweetySweety @Ulrica @Vanesses @Vexxy @vikadreamdance @woodholly @Yamina
thank you my friend and a happy Halloween as well for you
LOLOL !! Have a Happy Halloween !!! May there be a full mooon !!! Oops!! Too Late !!
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Thaaaaaaats so cool, anybody is working for a Heeeeeellloooooweeeen Party
Und wehe Ihr schaut nicht mal rein und sagt Hallo
I will make me ready for Party time -
Thank you My Dear Friend @IuliusCaesar
Happy Halloween to you as well
Well, met so many nice people in here, I am glad I managed to give something back! Hope yopu will enjoy.
i been there nice place except few little things but over all good place to enjoy
Thank you guys, glad you appreciated. If you see any bugs please report them to me by PM, I will fix as much as possible.
Fixed a little problem with my Halloween villa... there was no female voodoo doll... how could I miss that!
#CaesarMansion #RoomEditor #RoomModding #universalobjects #horror #scaryvilla
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Voodoo can be helpful sometimes! Thanks for all the replies guys! And yes, sticking stuff into a female is what made me think about it...
why does the doll have a pin in her head?
you're aiming badly? -
A woman's head is the most effective way to her pants, honey...
true, with a pin in her head, she will not resist
but watch out for 10 hours to cool off -
I confirm @IuliusCaesar statement, very true in my case
I hate to ruin the romantic vibe with a service communication, but the dolls have been updated recently after SOMEONE (I wonder who that person could be, @Ana_Fox) pointed out thet the male one had no balls... Still the pin in her head stays... Still happy nobody noticed the female one has no hearth...
that man does not have the balls and you did not fix it
bad bada bad Caesat....I wanted to play with the puppet, but if he does not have a balls ... he is not full
and you called the doll Ana_Fox, I remember the conversation well...horny boy
maybe I could mention playability on that table, but I do not want a spaghetti stuck in your neck -
a little acupuncture does not hurt anyone,
with spaghetti.
This is war Ana! How do you dare talk like this to an emperor?!
By the way I added a new table... Now Barbie and Prepuzio are more comfortable!
ohhh how cute, if the doll's name, @Ana_Fox well, I just remember something.
@Ana_Fox I do not walk on the moon anymore. you

Welcome to my new project, the scary Transylvanian Villa in ChatHouse.
Please feel free to comment and give suggestions to improve it and of course come visit it!
You can find all the pictures with details here: https://www.thrixxx.com/profile/19166005/IuliusCaesar/myshares/725329
And some descriptions on my stream.
TO ALL THE ROOM EDITORS OUT THERE: All the textures and any information you may need are available upon request.
@Jenny_O @Lassi @LauraShepard @Miranda_Lawson @Glamorous @Nelly69 @kellymare @Redtko @Ana_Fox @Leshette-Pet @Sophie @Dante_DMC @Sarah @-Sphynx- @MadameChloe @vikadreamdance @Manola85 @ISABELLXXX @Vexxy @IamXox @krissi92 @dawning @Tamika @Amy @BabyBoop @Nadine_love @Herby1 @Ulrica @Yamina @flyingheart @amare @egiryttoow @Lythtis @TweetySweety @pepperjoy @tessa29 @harmlessgeek @perfect_drug @CandySugar @Jessica_L @alina666 @FoxyLuv69 @Amy0123 @helen1990 @Foxyme @Marc19 @RicoDeMonteCristo @Tsuga @Vanesses @AnalYsis @SwissCurious @Abhirati @ISABELLXXX @Larisa_Sweety @Chickie @Mariann_44 @Carol012 @Cherry33 @LuisaIndecent @Lenki @MarPas @dragonfyre @JaynieP @Elzbet @Nofretete @Sarisa @LittleSoul
@Janitor @Dirty-Six @HomerJay should we put this one in beta instead of my old one?
@PussInBoobs wanna try and optimize this?
#CaesarMansion #RoomEditor #RoomModding #universalobjects #horror #scaryvilla
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Another Masterpiece from crazy Cesare
If this one goes into Beta, there will be big funs on CH for Halloween this year -
You are really the King of editing..
Very exited to visit it.. -
Progetto ambizioso e come sempre ben fatto... complimenti @IuliusCaesar
This would be awesome for Halloween
I'll ask if we can get this up until the 31th. if you like of course
Please write me the details to find the location in pm.
Thanks for the compliments guys!!! @Dirty-Six, this was inntended to be the Halloween ChatHouse Horror Villa and meant for beta... I still suggest you guys to consider @Ana_Fox rooms for beta, she is just amazing!
I didn't notice, @Ana_Fox! Glad you got the credit you deserve
@Dante_DMC , any suggestions for some cool background music? I am not fully satisfied with the one I got now...
Incredible nice work!!! Thank You @IuliusCaesar Hi5s
wow :O a halloween theme room :O thats soo cool
got curious of that
@IuliusCaesar I'll see the songs I have and we'll talk
Thanks @Dante_DMC! I know you are the official Chat House DJ! Anyways, here's what I am using now, but I am not completely satisfied: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_dYBezxUVPdf_LV0TQGVTCYvfDts4aU1
This room is just amazing and fits perfect with the Horror and Halloween theme, love the details, also the Windows are damn good, couldn't do it better
Best Room i've ever seen here on Chathouse with all that details
PS: i am Requesting all of your textures, right now, right here -
@Lassi you can get all you want, professor! Will bug you soon about lighting in the night and day version of the empty room...

SCARY VILLA (2) Count Ejacula's Castle
Visit the creepy haunted mansion of the horniest Lord of the Night.
Too much stuff going on here... be careful not to destroy Dorian Grey's picture...
#CaesarMansion #RoomEditor #RoomModding #universalobjects #horror #scaryvilla

SCARY VILLA (3) Count Ejacula's Castle
Like to dance with the vampires?
#CaesarMansion #RoomEditor #RoomModding #universalobjects #horror #scaryvilla