
#thisisatemp #RonaByron #GothicArt

One of the projects I mentioned gave rise to the attached pic. It's one of my all time favourite creations and too good not to share, free, here for you lot.

  • very beautiful congratulations

    created by Kasumy 3 months ago Who liked this?

#Temp #ronabyron #Halloween

Happy Halloween fellow perverts!

  • Happy Halloween Danny!

    created by forestporn 4 months ago Who liked this?
  • a night full of masks and costumes that bring joy even on Halloween night

    created by Kasumy 4 months ago Who liked this?
  • Happy Halloween bro! Nice shot of Rona for the Holiday!

    created by Briar27 4 months ago Who liked this?

#Temp #RonaByron #yasminecool

After the terrible ordeal of the first Blackmail Game, Rona found a tender holiday romance with the beautiful Yasmine. Although she knew it wouldn't last longer than the holiday, for Rona it was a chance to reset in the tender touch of a woman.

Howdy folks, I'm still alive, just busily trying to get as many panels for my stories done as possible. Hope everyone is well!

#Temp #ronatemp #ronaprime #RonaByron #boobjobrona #Crisis

A Tale of 10 Ronas P2

There are 10 major Rona characters in the Ronaverse, and these will be captured in 3 pictures...

In this 2nd pic, the Ronas are, from left to right:

Rona Byron

Existing in the present of the alternate timeline created for Lady Tempest and Sara Kalu, Rona Byron has escaped the abusive relationship she has had for decades with her ex, Kevin James and is ready to settle for a quiet, uneventful life. Then a chance encounter with a younger woman, Sara Palmer, changes everything. Initially frightened by Sara's volatile entrance into her life, Rona tells her to leave her alone, but later, starts to realise that she felt some kind of connection to her. She decides to go find her and somehow seems to know exactly where she will be. Stopping Sara from an attempted suicide, she takes her into home to take care of her, no longer afraid that this woman would ever cause her harm.

Gradually, Rona comes to realise that she is falling for Sara but never having being with a woman before, it takes her some time to allow herself to let Sara into her bed. Now the two begin to forge a new life together, but events will soon destroy their peaceful happiniess....

Future Tense, Christmas in Paris and soon Holiday of Horrors...

Rona Temp

My ex wife and all round ultimate MILF, Rona and I have had an on-off relationship for nearly two decades. Now she and I have finally called it a day and met other people who satisfy all our needs- but after having built a whole multiverse around her it's not so easy to move on here in GE. In the real world, she had a fling with a much younger man (this occured when we were "off") and from that I built the Blackmail Game series in which she falls back into the clutches of her evil ex, Kevin James (yes folks, he does exist and yes he is a bastard, just not an evil bastard as in GE).

So GE Rona....

Her first story was Rona Attacked by Pirates which ended by it being a dream (however see Rona James below), but then her adventures become more surreal. In Demonia's Revenge, she is kidnapped and taken to Hell by Demonia to get back at me for slighting the demon in a bar. This opens up the multiverse once more as the Time Mistress and Power Lady (aka Super Rona, see next Rona pic) become involved to mount a rescue. Rona has her memories of the experience removed, but now Demonia teams up with Lord Evil and also sends Power Lady to a fateful meeting with The Dark Lady (this last bit will be told as part of The Power Trilogy).

However, Rona Temp, not having any knowledge of the multiverse, continues to move through her life, having a love affair with Layiila, Leggy Lucy, Yasmine Cool and others before getting involved with @darkerdavid's MILF Dianka... and the Blackmail Game beckons. Rona's FINAL story will be in The Blackmail Game 3.

Just about everything, plus Attacked by Pirates, Demonia's Revenge, A Dance for Layiila 1-3, and more stuff than you can shake a stick at.

Rona James aka Boobjob Rona.

If Rona Temp is Earth 1, Rona James is Earth 2. On that earth, she never escaped Kevin that fateful night 16 years ago, and instead became his prisoner. Getting his own way on everything he made her get a boob job and other enhancements, and after an act of rebellion 3 years ago, sent her to The Corrective School for Errant Wives and Girlfriends. However, this backfires on him when she comes to realise that her sexual energy and experience, combined with a body and a face that looks 20 years younger, makes it hard for any man to refuse her.

She throws Kevin out and creates her own brothel/fantasy palace, becoming very rich and famous in the process. But there is more to Kevin than meets the eye, and he has not forgotten the Rona that got away... and when she is kidnapped by pirates when on holiday (her adventures leaking into our world through Rona Temp's dreams) Kevin seizes his chance to take her back.

Rona James will be the feature Rona in a series of explicit novels that form part of The MILF Unleashed series.... but you can check her out in various 1 panel at a time stories eg My Sex Slave Duties, The Corrective School for Errant Wives and so on.

Rona Prime.

This Rona lives on a Matrix type world where humanity has willingly gone into a machine controlled hibernation and virtual reality after the eco system of that Earth has collapsed. The repair to the planet will take 1000s of years so generations of humanity will live and die in the VR world created for them. Whilst in her pod however, Rona becomes a Prime, having become aware of virtual realities and computer networks on other earths, through which she is able to move at will.

After encountering characters in the world of GE, she meets @NewGuy 's Amy, a character left lost and alone and in danger of fading from existence when NG decided to leave GE. Taking her under her wing, the Prime falls for Amy in a major way but things are complicated when NG returns and Amy starts to remember her world before- and especially her relationship with Chloe. Eventually, Amy becomes TWO personas, one which returns to Chloe for a life of love filled lusty adventures, whilst Amy Two stays with Rona who continue to have fun with Danny and others in GE.

After a while however, Rona decides that she doesn't want to fool around anymore, and wants her and Amy to be exclusive. Amy surprises Rona by proposing, but Amy T then becomes suspicious of Sara Prime, fearing that whatever forces in the multiverse keeps pairing Ronas and Saras up will ruin their life together. Rona Prime accepts that there is a pull whenever her and Sara are close together, but will never betray Amy and gradually reassures Amy that this is true. Now their wedding is fast approaching.... but shadowy figures are also marshalling their plans...

Rona Prime is the Rona that did the "Who's Who in the Ronaverse?" series, but also: Changes, Conversation 3

How will these Rona's be affected by the Crisis??? Only time will tell...

Pic https://www.thrixxx.com/profile/126634/thisisatemp/myshares/332201

#Temp #Incoming #futuretense #RonaByron #sarapalmer

Kidnapped: Future Tense 3

Set in the future of the Lady Detectives Agency Earth (but our present day), the tormented Sara Palmer and divorcee Rona Byron continue to explore their strange connection as Rona, now in full acceptance of her sexuality, and Sara holiday in Africa. But Rona suddenly disappears leaving a confused and frightened Sara to draw upon her fragile courage and determination to find her...

Pic: https://www.thrixxx.com/profile/thisisatemp/myshares/271009

#parisxmas - #RonaByron #sarapalmer #futuretense

Christmas in Paris P43 and The End

In the present day of the universe created to host The Lady Detectives Agency, it's been 4 months since Rona Byron met and saved the brilliant but tortured Sara Palmer from a lonely suicide... 4 months since Rona, feeling a strange connection with Sara, took her in to her home, 4 months of a growing need and passion that Rona has tried to deny....

Now, Rona has booked a shopping trip in Paris for Christmas... and deliberately booked a double bed, wanting to give Sara herself at last. On their first night, Rona paniced a little and Sara simply cuddled her love to sleep. The next day the two have a wonderful moment in Le Parc. Now they are at the Christmas Eve party and Rona is mentally committing herself to making love to a woman for the first time. After an incident with a drunken lout, Rona is now certain about her and the two make love.

But in the space between realities.... someone watches with unforgiving eyes...

This is the sequel to the story Future Tense, in which seeming, but unknowing descendants of Lady Rona Tempest and Sara Kalu literally bump into each other in the street- Sara Palmer, tortured by memories of abuse and dreams of a life that were not hers, instantly recognises in Rona Byron a connection to those dreams. Rona, initially scared by Sara's intensity, sends her away but later realises that she too feels a connection, a memory of something powerful and goes searching for Sara. She finds her just in time to stop Sara from committing suicide and as Sara falls asleep from exhaustion and relief, Rona decides to take her into her home and take care of her....

Why they feel this connection and what their link is to Tempest and Kalu is not known at this time....

Pic http://gamerotica.thrixxx.com/item/1136858
High rez http://cdn.gamerotica.thrixxx.com/content/00/00/12/66/34/screenshot/71b364f22c36eee4907a087ac66377db/126634_screenshot_1136858.png

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