
#cucky #beta #loser #iloveblackcocks #rejection #aigenerated @MasterGioJX #bimbo #bimbopride #crush @YourBimbo

Master Gio got everything from loser's crush
loser only got her middle finger

#cucky #beta #loser #iloveblackcocks #peeping #rejection #beauty @MasterGioJX @Adunbi #crush @sweetlove

loser sents New Year's greetings to beautiful crush
she replied from her vacation

  • Gestern gab es eine kleine Fickparty im "Fire in the Hole" ...das sind die Herrentoiletten sooo versifft... Bussi allen Teilnehmern...

    created by fendyts 3 weeks ago Who liked this?

#cucky #beta #loser #rejection #humiliation #crush

when i bet crush to chat with me

#cucky #beta #loser #iloveblackcocks #blackorwhite #rejection #paypig @MasterGioJX #crush @BlaackCanary

loser invited crush to an expensive restaurant, now I've been waiting for an hour for her to come back from the restroom

#cucky #beta #loser #peeping #beauty #rejection #iloveblackcocks #bbc-clan @MasterGioJX #crush @sweetlove

beautiful crush canceled date with loser, I wonder why

#cucky #beta #loser #peeping #beauty #rejection @sweetlove

bad enough that crush was busy when I went to pick her up for our date, even worse, she left no doubt that she preferred real men

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