


This is page one of a story arc involving Kara. I made a silent vow after the first issue of Kamirie i wouldn't do anymore until i got ENB going. So when ENB got going it wasnt right. But thanks to @dragonfyre i got it working swimmingly...

So yeah new story with #Kara called #Kara'sLament It goes into a little back story for her and ties up a couple loose ends left in the #pornpacalypse.

  • @Hobbes Love these shots, The ENB makes it so much more crisper, Very noticeable in these shots. I am looking very forward to this tale and interested to see where you will take it. I didn't know Kara lost her virginity in here...I missed that story....oh...and by the by.....Damn Kara and her stupid sexy tank tops!!!

    created by dragonfyre 1 decade ago Who liked this?
  • @dragonfyre it wasn't in a comic. It happened off camera with and accidental oh shit wrong pose. You'll see it though. Got 4 pages all locked and loaded so far.

    created by Hobbes 1 decade ago Who liked this?
  • @Hobbes I will check your stream tomorrow nite my friend, bed is calling, but I am looking forward to the pages buddy! have a great nite and an even better day tomorrow!

    created by dragonfyre 1 decade ago Who liked this?
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