
#thisisatemp #sarakalu #muse #Beauty

Hello everyone!

In the light of the recent news re the sale of Thrixxx, Sara and I are looking forward to improvements in the way that we, the Community, are treated. Hopefully, the new owners will not remain in ivory towers and instead work with us positively and collegiately, rebuilding both the platform we love, and the trust of a community that has supported the 3DSV range often despite the previous owners.

I'm still tied up with several projects but will be back here posting a lot more. Plus, I have a load of new poses and models that I have created for those projects and will start to upload them next week.

In the meantime, Namaste one and all!

  • Looking forward to seeing them.

    created by Briar27 3 months ago Who liked this?

Helena: "Vulgar."
Christie: "Your luck's run out."
Just a little something I put together testing out and refreshing some posing skills. Depending on response I may do some animations, storyline/cinematics with these two later this month.
Ok just maybe..maybe.


  • great work @inlovewithh fantastic Posework

    created by GunjamanX 8 years ago Who liked this?
  • Oh this would be incredible to see completed...definitely has so much potential on whichever avenue you would decide to take my friend...Fantastic opening pose and teaser @inlovewithh

    created by dragonfyre 8 years ago Who liked this?
  • This looks good

    created by HexNacFeegle 8 years ago Who liked this?

#mood #vibes #muse #itscoming

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