How I deal with non-English words or languange? I just copy and paste them in Google Translate. It works, I guess. I just hope the translations are correct.
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Found a really nice place. Too bad I only know English.
#howido #3dsv2 #language
For the longest time i used english while i was making sequences.
Then, one day a couple of years ago i thought i'd change to my native tongue, swedish.
Now i am at the point of returning to english, because, KNULLA, vad svenska är tråkigt!!!
I rarely complete watching swedish films & tv-series. Mostly they are boring anyway, but to listen to the actors try being serious in swedish sounds so fake in a movie.
Sometimes i cringe when i sit here typing a speechbubble that's supposed to be naughty. /ugh
So, back to english now.
How do you do it?