
NastyGyyal posted on Solipsiste's XStream

Hi Babe !

Do you know that Japenese Practice ?

It's called "Nyotaimori"

Wanna try ?

Hope you like Sushis 🍣 🤭

#porngif #Nyotaimori #sushibody #sushi #sushilovers #sensual #game #sexgame #couple #kinky #porngifs

  • I thought you where suppose to swallow me?

    created by Solipsiste 3 years ago Who liked this?
  • we can exchange our place, I'll be delighted to swallow you darling

    created by NastyGyyal 3 years ago

#LuckyPlumberTheGame #JBRootGonzoProd #Sequence #3dsv2SequencerGame #Game

A week ago, @wizgum shared a game made with the sequencer that you can find here https://www.thrixxx.com/gamerotica/item/6668302 (I strongly advise you to try it because the work done for this game deserves more recognition and besides the game is really cool).
It made me want to try my hand at creating my own game with the sequencer (I had already done a few tests in the past without reaching the end of my projects, as often )
Thanks to the help of Wizgum and Bodsquad who 'allowed me to work more quickly and to reach the end of this project, I modestly present my own game made with the sequencer:

The Game

You will play the role of a plumber who finds himself invited to a fancy dress party in the apartment of a sublime stranger. Back to the day before when you were called for your work at her downstairs neighbor ... Your choices will have to be lucky to be invited to this sexy party!

-You will need the FBX importer to play to this game!
-The male base model is Sunny but you gonna have my Me Model on screen. But you can choose any male model of your choice.
-The two female models base are Maya and so you gonna have the two models That I used on screen.
-If you want to use your own models, you gonna have to use the same base model for second and third person.
-If you use your own models, you gonna have to make clone of them without hair cause some animations are made with toys as hair.
-Timeline for changing models :
*00.01 me: male model without hair - mate: female1 without hair - third: female2 without hair
*01.31 me: male model with hair - mate: female2 with hair
*20.06 mate: female1 with hair
*34.44 me: male without hair - mate: female1 without hair - female2 without hair

All items used are referenced in the game page (just clic on pic above to see it)
Special thanks to @LittleSoul for the room.
Special thanks to all creators (textures, toys and animations) who got their works used in this game, too much name to list them all here but you got all my gratitude.
Special thanks to @wizgum who inspired me with his own game and made me want to make my own game.

Hope you gonna like it! Have fun!

  • thanks for the compliment. I will definitely give this a try.

    created by wizgum 4 years ago Who liked this?
  • Une chose à laquelle j'avais pensé à une époque faire un jeu avec le sequencer, je ne peux pas explorer de nos jours car j'ai même pas le jeu sur mon PC, mais une très bonne initiative

    created by Masterom 4 years ago Who liked this?
  • @Masterom , c'est dommage car je pense que tu nous aurais sorti un bon petit jeu... Wizgum en a fait un récemment, ça m'a motivé à faire le mien même si ça casse pas 3 pattes à un canard (je suis parti sur un délire vieux porn "genre bonjour je suis Mr le plombier, je vais m'occuper de votre tuyauterie" mais faire les dialogues en anglais ça a été un peu galère)... Clairement c'est un outil qui a été trop peu exploité, à part ceux fait par Kovnic et Nick qui était trés bon...

    created by JBRootProd 4 years ago
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#stateofdecay2 #zombie #bash #skull #survival #loot #game

Zombies & nazis always were my favorite targets, and i just found my new game to play a couple of weeks ago:

State of Decay 2: Juggernaut Edition!

Bought it for 11 euros on Epic store with a coupon, cutting the price in half ( 11 euros), so i just had to buy it!

I got the GTA5 from Epic store earlier for free, but fuck that!
Gun and driving handling is shit compared to State of Decay 2!!!

This is so much more fun if you like to bash zombieskulls to mush or dig the survival aspect of The Walking Dead at the harder difficulties!

I highly recommend this game!
Its creepy, rpg friendly and really difficult at the normal+ zones.

It is a 4 player coop multiplayer vs Enviroment if you want to.


Everyone seeks redemption.........

#whatareyoulistening #TheLastOfUs #TheLastOfUsPartII #TLOU #Game #PS4 #Exclusive #Joel #Ellie #Abby #fireflies #Redemption


I am speechless for this game! It really is a complete work of art. I feel like I'm reaching the end of the journey. And with that I would like to remember one of the moments that made me cry ....

#TheLastOfUsPartII #TheLastOfUs #Ellie #Joel #Abby #Game #Exclusive #PS4 #Playstation4 #TLOU #TakeOnMe #80s #Song #Music #whatareyoulistening #Violão #Tribute

GOOD MORNING! let's start another gameplay of The Last Of Us. Preheating for the big day 19!!! 🌿🍃🧟‍♂️🧟‍♀️🧟‍♀️🌿🍃

#Joel #Ellie #TheLastOfUs #TheLastOfUsPart2
#PS4 #Exclusive #Game #TheBest
#whatareyoulistening #Song #Music #Gusttavo #NaugthyDog #Day19


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