Now that I've finished up on #TheDate I will be taking a small break from creating stuff. I'll release a few older stories on the stream for those that may have missed a few shorts(such as SinglevRelationship and other short skits) But nothing 'new' for now. Once this break is done I'll continue on with #RippleEffect which I am doing pictures for at the moment and have written but haven't "comic-ized" it yet.
This break could last one week or two, I won't leave you all hanging for new content for weeks on end this time, I promise And I will release older things people new may have missed in the past as well as maybe a few demo videos from SOHK Season 1 if I feel they are up to standard. (so probably not lol)
#TheDate was an entire process that took near 2 years for me to complete, and it wasn't really until about a month ago that I was satisfied with how I was going to end it. It took a lot out of me. As well as work.
I also found myself extremely tied up with multiple Synopsis, as well as one for a Book that is about to become a Stage Production, while also working on a potential Season 3 of a story that MAY become an anime one day (fingers crossed) so my plate's been pretty full as of late X_X
Despite this..after concluding it(The Date).. I found myself diving in once again to complete three other stories immediately after, and I just can't put my mind through that on a back to back to back basis anymore. I could, and it would get the stories out, but in turn it would drain me tremendously and the quality wouldn't be where I'd want it and I don't want to do that to myself because I want to be 100% when it comes time to release stories so that you'll always get the absolute best from me.
Because you all deserve no less, and I shall give you no less. I will remain in the background though as well as here and I will continue to write my stories and try to perfect them so that when they are released they will be of the quality you expect from me and hopefully I live up to those expectations or hopefully surpass them I want to thank you all for giving me your time, and your support, your feedback and your love
I shall never ever lose sight of that.
Now... given how my mind works, it may just take me a few days before I jump back into things in terms of new content... you know how long my "breaks" have lasted before. The Date was actually something I started while on a "break" that I had fully written and thought (eh, may as well, it's a short story)... but here we are 2 years later and that "short story" became another thing entirely.
That has to do with the brilliant character of Frankie Stein created by @spelss and all of the story arcs she makes possible and also what she is able to bring out of characters like Lambent just with her personality and natural being. I thank @spelss for creating such a wonderful character and permitting me to use her then, and in the future
Till then, be on the lookout for some of my older works, as well as maybe a 'new' page occasionally of things I'm working on (it won't be 4 a day anymore, least for a bit). Thank you so very much for everything ^_^
I also want to thank @Joshua whom if he hadn't brought up the prospect of a small break to me and made me actually stop and think about it, I'd still likely be burning the candle on both ends to make 3 separate stories complete. So I thank him very much
So, till next escape Thank you again ^_^
What @dragonfyre said. You're ability to consistently raise the bar everytime the rest of us think we're gaining on you is awesome. Rest and then bring it on home
You're wise to a break. As a wise man once said, "Don't take something you love and turn into a job." Relax and re-create.
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Enjoy your break my friend its a good idea to make one and recharge your fantasys for your Projekts
@inlovewithh A break is always good in between. Energy and ideas gather. I look forward to your next strokes of genius my friend!
Magnificent humility! I am going to gai 1 hour a day in the daytime to translate everything.-) expensively @inlovewithh it is necessary to make the space! Great and see you later.
Just watching you stream ideas on PM, as I am sure more than a few creators have @inlovewithh...you are as close to a natural born story-teller as this world gets. I really think Hollywood is missing something and it is you. The ability to just let it all stream out like that is incredible. I look forward to what ever you share and my best wishes in all of the projects listed above...how cool would that be