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My wife had this fantasy for a long time. Last night I had to help her fulfill this fantasy! #fbx #fbxplay

Dance Club Demo Lightshow using the 2 new addon packs - trying some extrem light/bloom settings

#blender #fsx #fbxplay #lighting

#Milking - Testing more complex animation with #Blender #fsx #fbxplay

Oasis HD Demo (garden mod)

(download see ref.)

#Blender #fsx #fbxplay

Atomic Diner HD

I decided to remove the glass completley because two alphablend textures (inside/outside) cause some strange behaviour (x-ray vision for cloth/hair and alt-r problems)

#Blender #fsx #fbxplay

Atomic Diner Grand Re-Opening Soon

#Blender #fsx #fbxplay

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