#dedupe #dup #howto
Hello everyone.
I need support to use Dedupe.
I can not figure out how to insert the various extensions in .dup files because when I create a file window tells me that this extension is not associated with any present program.
I tried to do the manual association from windows control panel but the' extension is not present in list.
I also tried to insert the setting extensions directly into .txt file and then convert it to .dup but do not work.
Someone can explain to me why?
thank you.
I was about to try this thing and noticed at the wiki that the clothing i was about to change was not on the list.
Are there any tricks to use for enabling this, or do i have to wait for a thrixxx activation for it?
Just create a text file with the same name as the texture, and change the extension to .dup. (F_Featured002_Dress01.dup) Then you can copy/paste the commands from the Wiki page - no need for any special conventions in the file.
Be forewarned - this works reasonably well for textures using AlphaMask, where you cut away part of the texture. Results in significant clipping in most cases using any partial transparency. -
In the few cases where I didn't get significant clipping, it was still at a level where it was virtually useless except for still shots where the clipping was not facing the camera. In the sequencer, not so much.
It's a great idea, and can have limited use, but seems to not play well with the txf file. Perhaps my expectations greatly exceeded the intended feature, though.
Also, ALT-R does not reload the dup file, so you have to create the file, then load the game. If it's not the result you wanted, you have to exit, edit, restart. Rinse and repeat. This can eat up a LOT of time.......
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So i do not need to add lines like these in the .dup? Dress463_Description
Can i simply just add commands for block and supress and it'll work? -
Yes. Tried it both ways. Dirthack's example showed that, anal0r's did not.
im giving it a shot now. I'll update if i managed to make it functional shortly
It works! Now i just got to adjust some texture to fit with this.
Thanks for the help. -
Please let us know your results - it's possible I'm doing something incorrectly!
Panties refuse to be shown properly! I think i have tried every command i can think of that could possibly be related to keep them visible while this dress is equipped.
The skirt works though. -
I noticed that the feature doesn't work on all of the textures, (in true THRIXX fashion, the ones I REALLY wanted it to work on).
DontSuppress_SkirtPanties, and DontSuppress_Panties doesn't work on dresses, I guess because they are in the "top/shirt" category.
There needs to be a DontSuppress_ShirtPanties option I guess. I tried a couple of things that weren't on the list hoping it was just an oversight, but NO.
I really wanted reflections to work on body stockings to, but NO.

#dedupe files (mentioned in anal0r s post)
I've never used them before.
There is an old help page for it:
I've created a test mod of the jeans and removed the top
part (alphamask).
then created the file F_Jeans001_Base.dup :
The debupe worked but not the DontBlock options.
Any suggestions ?
My understanding from anal0r's post (and this was from yesterday), is this is not implemented yet, but should be soon.
These are yet to be implemented, a bunch of stuff was requested, and he is implementing it via dedupe and will implement it as soon as it is tested and they have added a few more things I believe...
use a simple texteditor (notepad)
copy/paste the wanted effects into file - one per line
save file as texture_name.dup
copy file into activemod/moddir
start game
dbl click on dup file - in the "not associate" dialog - select "Editor" (notepad) from the list off apps.
if you create a new txt file on the desktop (abc.txt) and you only see abc (standard explorer setting) - renaming might end up in abc.dup.txt (you see abc.dup) - the game ignores the file.