
#blizzcon #WorldofWarcraft #expansion

And the Shadowlands expansion has been announced!

Spoilers :

Sylvanas Windrunner kick the Lich Kings arse in the reveal!

She is no banshee. She's somehting else!
What the fuck is she?

Although i am pro-Classic WoW, i yearn to see what this story leads to!

I do not own Battle for Azeroth, i stopped at Legion, but i did follow the story somewhat by the cinematics.

Sylvanas is ..hmm ...a badass i'd love to try on!


  • Ohhh SHIT!. Goosebums, all the way!!!

    created by wogworgr 5 years ago
  • I was thinking about saying something abouth this but then i began sneezing!

    created by wogworgr 5 years ago


WoW Classic. Anyone going for it?

Looking back to early 2005 when WoW was released in europe,
i began a journey as a Tauren on Dragonmaw PVP.
Druid what my choice of fate.

The Calm, the music, the atmosphere & the Tauren themselves of Mulgore is a hard one to beat, to me at least.

But me and a friend at first started on Dunemaul PVP EU as both Night Elf Druids and later on join the guild Semper Fidelis, which later on evolved to Fatal Union from surviving members.
We were active thoughout Vanilla, but i quit before Burning Crusade came and went dark for some month, but later returned a few months before Lich King was released.

Good times.. Very good times of gaming! The Molten Core and Zul'Gurub was the highlights of my time in WoW!
Just waiting for 40 people to turn up & start the raid for MC was an epic buildup to what to come when we finally were full and went full force in to the fire!

Never experienced anything like that since.

Thinking of of doing a Tauren Shaman or Druid in Classic again.

I got 2 weeks to think about it. It'll be on a PVE server if i do it. Can't be bothered with ganking once again.

How about you?

Ill be on later. For now ive found a new addiction <3

#WorldofWarcraft #love #gamergirl

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