
#wooliewednesday , #WookieWednesday , #dragonfyre , @BoxersNSocks , @witchhouse , @MrMans2

#WookieWednesday #wooliewednesday - Swamp Thing

@BoxersNSocks, #skar123, #WookieWednesday

Our entry -M


Happy #WookieWednesday!!! LOL!

#WookieWednesday, Hey you guys named it this, I didn't. Now you get what you deserve. LOL!

#WookieWednesday, George should have come to me for design ideas for the Ewoks of Endor. They would have become the most loved characters in the ROTJ. Theater isles might have been a lot more sticky to walk on though, and not from popcorn butter. George!!! You fucked up George!!! You missed a grand opportunity that would have made you even richer!!! Dumbass!!!

  • You are so full of yourself @Briar27 It's no wonder people keep blocking you, or putting you on ignore.....Who do you think you are on your high and mighty horse looking down on everyone all the time??
    You have always been a big head, telling people that their work doesn't come up to your high standards, so you made some improvements to make it super. then having the nerve to upload your superior version of others work, then stand back with a smug grin on your face. and you expect everyone to Love you for that????...Your rambling speeches' bore everyone to death....ME ME ME ain't I just super fantastic and mega great!!...Jeeezz I'm getting tired of your bullshit.
    an over inflated self importance comes across in all your self loving rambles...I'm tired of your shit.

    created by Smokey 5 years ago
  • @Smokey, what the hell are you talking about @Smokey? I haven't been talking down on anyone at all. Nor do I think so highly of myself that I deserve to be on some sort of throne? Where the heck did all this come from? If I have done anything with someone else's poses I have made changes to them so they aren't identical. Sometimes they come with no orgasm loops so I add one. I've only done this to like 3 poses I think, and where possible I always add a link to their original out of respect. Other than that I don't plagiarize anyone's work and call it my own. My models are mine alone, and other than the two or three poses I made additions to, or altered, my pose folder is full of my own made work as well. So don't paint me as somebody I am not and have never been. This is the craziest shit I have ever heard out of your mouth or anyone's for that matter. People are always welcome to take my poses and modify them and repost them if they wish. I'm not in some sort of contest. I'm sharing what people might find useful to use. If asnyone has problems with my pose mods then they can speak to me personally. My latest appeal for mods that are ready to play without changing folders wasn't a demand. I've said this 2 thousand times I think by now. Where have you been? I'm getting the hang of this txs thing since its been going on for so long, if you must know, so I hope the mods will at least be a mix of simple downloads and ones that have multiple files inside. I'm not unreasonable. Why I got blocked or set to ignore is either a misunderstanding of how my words are written, or they just want to put me on ignore to light a fire in me or something. If you don't like my long comments or the way I try to explain myself, then the simple solution is not to read them. Jumping my ass like this is no better than the crazy things your accusing me of man. As you told me once. Chill man, your taking this shit too seriously. @Yorkslad did too. I gave him my feedback and he got more and more upset. I had stopped writting him on the subject but he wrote me back again and then said he was going to ignore or block me. So if anyone is acting over the top it isn't me this time. I'm just logging in and people are hitting me with this crazy stuff. I'm not leaving or staying quiet if I want to say something about a topic. Put me on ignore if this is how you really feel. Though what you wrote sounds rather crazy to me.

    created by Briar27 5 years ago
  • @Briar27 here you go again, now your trying to come across as the poor guy who is always misunderstood, and so everyone beats up on...you know exactly what you're doing. You still try to sound like the good guy, and everyone else has got you wrong...we all have our own opinion's on things...but you always have to be right!...So there you go, with the high and mighty thing again...over explaining your self to the point where people just switch off to you..

    created by Smokey 5 years ago
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