
#Temp #Tempest #Crisis

A Tempest is coming...

The multiverse doesn't just have a super Rona to protect it...

Coming soon.

#Temp #Crisis #Oya #Tempest #Stormchild

Just as there are super powered Ronas in the multiverse there are super powered Saras.

From left to right.


This Sara is evil, having become bitter and twisted when she discovers that no Rona came to save her from her second fate in London. The full story will be told in the Power Trilogy soon.


As old as time itself, and somehow the mother of all the Saras in the multiverse, Oya is neither good or evil, she is the balance, the storm, a force of nature that does not understand mortal concepts of good or evil. As she says, would you ask a hurricane if it was good or evil?? She sees the multiverse fraying and must decide what she is to do about it... and that might mean destroying the whole thing and starting again... after all what is the point of being a God if you can't use your power as you see fit....

The Conversation 4


This Sara is as powerful as Power Lady and was the chosen Guardian of her Earth by the powers that be. Her origin story will be told shortly.

ALL three will have critical parts to play within the Crisis and Stormchild will kill one of GEs favourite daughters....

Pics: https://www.thrixxx.com/profile/126634/thisisatemp/myshares/332201

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