#killerkane #TOTW #blondes on their knees

Sorry Cynthia, I'll make it up to ya later...hehehe

#killerkane @coffeeWhore64 @Briar27 @BruceChickenson @RiverOtter1 #TOTW #blondes on their knees
Video version

#killerkane @coffeeWhore64 @Briar27 @BruceChickenson @RiverOtter1 #TOTW #blondes on their knees

Cw64 commented on a post by @RiverOtter1 about blondes on their knees, so I grabbed that idea and ran with it, not far tho, I'm not in as good shape as I used to be, this and the follow on video are the result, feel free to add your own versions for the next week or so!

  • Ya. Keep it down to a jog @killerkane

    created by coffeeWhore64 2 months ago Who liked this?
  • A short slow jog, mind you, or I can fire up the Porsche and leave everyone standing looking on in amazement, how 'bout them apples? hehehe VROOOOMMMMMM

    created by killerkane 2 months ago Who liked this?

#ThemeofTheWeek #TOTW #BloodWorks @Molly-D

Catch a Kitten by Her Tail

Theme: Walk in the Park

Molly-D: https://www.thrixxx.com/gamerotica/item/2653193

Cat Ears by Murmel
Choker: http://gamerotica.thrixxx.com/item/742646
Top by HocusPokeUs (Modified)
Unzipped Black Leggings: https://www.thrixxx.com/gamerotica/item/1204529

Jason Blood: https://www.thrixxx.com/gamerotica/item/2954949

Jacket by Ddcc051: http://gamerotica.thrixxx.com/item/564428
Jeans by Cronan17j: http://gamerotica.thrixxx.com/item/710536

Location by Spelss: https://www.thrixxx.com/gamerotica/item/1028290

Burning (Hot & Lusty) Bridges


1) Gangbang
2) Walk in the park
3) Fire

  • Whow. You are very very creative. Awesome work.

    created by Kayden 7 years ago Who liked this?

#foresterotica #ThemeofTheWeek #TOTW


A walk in the park

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