OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!!! #comicbookfans did anyone see Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman revealed costume? SHE LOOKS AMAZING!!!
The haters that have been bashing her for months can now kindly [expletive] a [expletive] [expletive].
That is all ^_^
I am SO making this costume in this game when I have the skills =P #WonderWoman #Superhero
Im not familiar with the wonder women series but i think gal gadot makes a good looking character in that outfit (like i said, i dont know wonder women).
It also looks like its a more serious setting like they did with the new batman (dark knight series). -
she looks good, but I too have to admit I have never been interested in wonder woman, DC fans herald her and batman all the time so it seems though, I'm more a marvel guy. when it comes to super hero comiscs tat is. Hmmm, Is spawn with DC ? I can't remember, SPawn is theb est though.
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Was always a Marvel fan in my younger days but got more into DC over time. In comic book terms I would say I probably prefer DC now. Spawn is, I believe, a character owner by the creator Todd MacFarlane - he still appears in Image Comics as far as I know. I like the kick-ass warrior Wonder Woman though...I bet the 'waiting for Godot' line has already been done to death. I'll still use it as I have no shame!
Godat is very pretty , but she doesn't fit for Wonder Woman . At least not for me . I grew up with Linda Carter as Wonder Woman so that's the image I'm stuck with . Her daughter Jessica Altman would work for me . Even Megan Fox . I think it's Godat's face shape that bugs me . Her forehead slopes back too much and doesn't work well with the tiara ......My 2 cents .
Ok Wonder Woman is THE iconic DC character, and though I have always loved her I never found her sexy. Now, yes, Gal looks amazing, but for me, she looks more like Donna Troy (who I always did find sexy lol). Regardless, that is one impressive shot and Gal looks like she could kick Darkseid's ass. I'm in.
@thisisatemp, You know why Wonder Woman can never be an iconic comic book character?
http://37.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lsmijiaytU1qa70eyo1_500.jpg -
@inlovewithh I think this looks very promising, yes the series was campy, but true to the era. With what they have done with the new Superman and Batman, I would love to see an updated take on another one of DC's pivotal heroes. Another stepping stone towards a Justice League movie
Godot looks good in the part but Wonder Woman is still a crappy DC character...