
Does Premium unlocks all poses?

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#Premium - free

#Premium Games -

From today, the game has a new paid service - Premium.
Premium has been announced in Celine's theme https://www.thrixxx.com/profile/12217/Celine/3511217
can buy Premium - its here https://www.thrixxx.com/xcoins/premium

I collected several answers and explanations from the administrators, explaining what is Premium.

1. Q: Than Subscriptions (https://www.thrixxx.com/xcoins/subscription ) is different from Premium (https://www.thrixxx.com/xcoins/premium ) ...
itst the same thing or completely different things?
A: The first are game subscriptions and the premium is for community features. but both are basically subscriptions.
Explanations: Premium - gives advantages in the chat, Subscription - gives advantages in the game.

2. Q: Whether to wait for further improvements for the site, chat and related services.
A: At the moment, we have not implemented everything,
that they conceived and planned, a little later there will be further improvements.

3. Q: Whether the unification of these two services will be done, or the ability to pay for these two services at once?
A: Maybe, we'll think about it.

4. Q: Many ordinary players, have a problem with the chat and the site, with android devices, device Aple.
Will this be fixed at the fastest time?
A: Yes, we're already on the move to fix this for computer users and we will also have it working again for phones and tablets in the future.

P.S. Perhaps I did not use the exact quotes of the administration.
I wrote this text "from memory," but I tried to keep the basic meaning and essence of the answers.
I bring my apologies for this.

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  • Thank you @Alefz

    created by coffeeWhore64 7 years ago Who liked this?
  • Im always glad help you - dear Malphes

    created by Alefz 7 years ago Who liked this?
  • yea but what means Priority Support ?

    created by Foxyme 7 years ago Who liked this?
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