Farewell to a Friend.
Formerly, you were an excellent theater teacher with whom I learned a lot! You were a guide, a brother, a father, a fan but also and above all, by the spirit, a child always happy and curious !!! You liked to write, to stage; you liked and directed the actors with a great virtuosity, a deep sensitivity! You had a declared passion for colors, movement, light, life and women... of course! What did not you tell me about them!
And, recently, you did not make me laugh anymore! You have left this world swept away by an incurable disease. I will not see you again for our endless conversations about theater, music, writing... science, aliens, ghosts and again... women! I miss you!
"You left us for the great mystery of The World's Theatre. Where you live now, take back your pen! And make the angels laugh... for us!" - Phi.
Bonne nuit les amis !
Et que le très beau Thème de Marion composé et dirigé par John Williams et interprété par le Recording Arts Orchestra of Los Angeles vous accompagne au coeur de la nuit !
Good night, my friends !
Let yourself be guided into the middle of the night by the beautiful Marion's Theme composed and directed by John Williams and performed by the Recording Arts Orchestra of Los Angeles !
Reherseal (excerpts): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zgb5QbQBIUw
#DofForPhilopyge #Philopyge
Good evening my friends !!!
Is there a tutorial somewhere on this site to explain how Thrixxx's DOF (Depth of Field) works?
Thank you for your attention !
I do not know of a tutorial regarding the DOF @philopyge, although maybe @PussInBoobs can shed some light on it's function and how to use it. We had an issue at first with using it and making High Def shots...it would blur because in that type of shot the camera position shifts when taking the shot. That was going to be addressed at a later date. I presently do not use the feature.
With the Lighting Editor, you can now turn that feature on and off while in game now.
Thanks a lot @dragonfyre for your answer ! I Actually, I tried to use it but the results are too erratic to make it usable.
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Try it with just a low def shot @Philopyge ...the camera doesn't shift and the shots are clearer and more consistent. I mainly use high def, so I do not use it...I hate editing out the Game Stamp and Copyright.
DOF will not (fully) work with hires shots.
DOF selects the screens center point and an additional grid matrix of 5x5 dots around the center and the focus shifts on the closest spot found there. Should be mostly similar to a DSLR camera or video camera. There is no manual focus yet. -
And Thank you for this excellent work and these developments on 3DSV @PussInBoobs !!!
#EKUSOY #ElviraBirkin #Zhanna #Laurabelle #Philopyge #FoursomeFriday #Foursome #FantasticFour #posepreview #models #Sexy #blonde
Fantastic "blonde" four
EKUSOY Photopose 219
Elvira Birkin by @ekusoy
Laura Belle by @LauraBelle & @Zhanna
Viktoriya by @Zhanna
Penelope S. by @Philopyge
Hi guys, happy new year
Elvira Birkin
Happy New Year to you bud ! Hope you have a wonderful year !
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#EKUSOY #philopyge #EkusoyGIF
How about this?
Impressive reproduction of this pose.
Question! how do you put the video clip there??
you are very good at doing that.
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back on elvi"s profil, ever a great time and hot pics, elvi the best.
#Vanessa #philopyge
Pose du film "Plaisir"
Inspiré d'un .GIF publié sur le mur de @philopyge
Le film : http://gamerotica.thrixxx.com/item/1294437
L'animation : http://gamerotica.thrixxx.com/item/1295121
Les toys :
Jet de sperme :
Sperme coulant :
So sorry for your loss my friend