I took my screenshot down, because you were being such a complete TWAT!. I saw your feeble link, HA HA not! I've seen that link a thousand times before. It's not funny in RL situations Twat.! Mr No like Osprey!
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You're just a bully aren't you? Never did like bullies..Take your impotent rage elsewhere.
I think you need me To sort your sad self deluding ass out! so I'm going nowhere!.....Where as with You! You need to learn the way this site works... you cant fuck people off with your No Like nothing attitude, and expect to just roll along round this site like a super Dung Beatle.
Busted..I am happy in my bubble of lazy, self deluded, state of denial.
I know how the site works and I have liked lots of stuff, but it seems didums has spat his dummy and thrown it out of the pram and is now throwing a tantrum because i didn't like yours..keep giving me those lovely tears. -
Thank you for the Link share @Osprey I generaly like these kind of Story games
Normally i dont let smokey "wind me up" but now and then just for kicks

Watch my new movie: VIRTUAL LOVE 2
Graphic Engine is Unity 5. Would be nice for sexvilla

#OtherSexGames -
Here is a nice little group I made in the Sims 4:
You can add custom animations, but the tools to do it are really complicated

#OtherSexGames -
I have been messing with The Sims 4 during my break. With mods is it is quite good fun, but I really, really wish we could use the 3DSV2 PE with it!
I am not sure if i can embed a link from another site, but I'll try. Here is one of my girls
#LinksfromOsprey #OtherSexGames -
And another link from the Linkmeister
Today, an article from Gizmodo on the state of porn and virtual reality. There is a paragraph on Thrixxx as well (the article writer spelt their name wrong) where they outline their future (barely).
The linky:
"The company is more interested in adding unspecified new features to Chathouse 3D..."
At least their story is consistent... -
great post! loved what they said about thrixxx hahaah! finally a reviewer that doesn't suck up but tells it as it is.
and with that being read, it's time I started working on teledildonics projects, put my ideas into motion. it's all possible and doable, we simply have to DO it, not enough people are working on it.
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I just like saying teledildonics. What a great word!
#LinksfromOsprey #OtherSexGames -
Another sex game that I stumbled across which may be of interest to you experimenters out there:
45 euro's though... no demo ... Dunno if I rather spend that on dragon age.
Yeah, DA:I gets my vote. I am doing an umpteenth playthrough of the whole series and all DLC right now so I can hit DA:I
Shame it can't be modded.
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Yeah I'm not gonna buy it, I don't trust their payment portal, not much to be found about it and what you find says it's a scam.
I really want to buy it ... but it's so new.. I dunno I've been scammed before and this makes my spidey sense tingle
I decided to buy it after all. gonna post a review of it later tonight after I played it.
Obviously this site, and it's members, and the thrixxx games are not good enough for you.
I see you got a like, for this. …..See...someone got offa their ass and clicked on a like button, to please your sorry ass.....where would you be without a single like?? I think the saying goes. You reap what you sow.