#Temp #MsBonnie #sarakalu #HappyNewYear
Happy New Year GE'ers!! I will be back next week to continue my madcap stories and join in the fun. Here's to a fab 2017 for all of us.
Awesome buddy ! Have a fantastic Christmas my friend !
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#Temp #MsBonnie #easter
Happy Easter to all my chums who celebrate Easter and Happy Holidays to all those who don't
Sorry all, I know I have been largely absent the last two weeks or so- workwise has been crazy and now Ms Bonnie has ordered 5 days of complete rest... with her. It's a hard life. See you after the hols (and yes, Bloodtide 2 will deffo be finished next week, it's almost all done!).
Pic https://www.thrixxx.com/profile/126634/thisisatemp/myshares/305481
#Temp #AssShotSaturday #MsBonnie #GirlsIKnow
My new love has revealed she has a delicious submissive streak that is tinged with mischieviousness. As she headed off toward the bedroom, after appearing semi naked and self-handcuffed, she said simply.... "I want you to take me to bed and violate me mercilessly."
Well, what was a chap to do?
Have a great weekend everyone- Bloodtide 2 pages tonight
Pic https://www.thrixxx.com/profile/126634/thisisatemp/myshares/302269
Indeed. Nice sexy and suggestive pic. I think you should honor your lady's request and be a right scoundrel to her. Send us the pics!
Well, my brain would have shut off at the words" I want you".....LOL
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Thanks guys- I keep saying to her, "I love to watch you walking away" and she doesn't get why!! ha ha.
Oh believe me, even tho they deny it, they KNOW why@thisisatemp, LMAO
If she was so willing to go to bed with you...Why is she handcuffed?
ha ha she handcuffed herself - and I didn't question it lol
#Temp #MsBonnie #GirlsIKnow #FellatioFriday
Right, back from my Bonnie adventure and now free for the weekend (boo, hiss, me no likey!) so will finish Bloodtide 2 finally!
In the meantime here's to a frisky weekend for everyone
Pic https://www.thrixxx.com/profile/126634/thisisatemp/myshares/100004
#Temp #ronatemp #MsBonnie #GirlsIKnow #ThreesomeThursday
Happy St Patricks Day to our Irish brethren and sisters....
Still all over the place but as its 3somethurs I thought I would share my favourite fantasy at the moment, a 3some with the two hottest women physically in my life....
Gotta go!
Pic https://www.thrixxx.com/profile/126634/thisisatemp/myshares/221433
happy new year