
#PinkElephant #SiteUpdate #site-issues #Management @Dirty-Six

Can we have notifications back when someone has commented on a share item?

There are often good discussion threads within comments of a share item and following these is now really hard, especially as we no longer have a list of share items we have looked at and/or downloaded.

  • You are so right; I get tired of scrolling and scrolling assuming the script is even working. I also discovered that the gamerotica section and hashtags are like apples and oranges; a comment on one doesn't flag comments on the same item in the other area. I want to acknowledge comments that are made about my work. Along with so many other things I don't understand why this useful function isn't available. My email flags from the old site always kept me abreast of forums I was following too.

    created by tuxedo2 1 decade ago Who liked this?
  • @Osprey @tuxedo2 Believe it or not, stopping the notification of someone commenting on our shares was one of Thrixxx's few attempts to give customers what they asked for. Many people used the old forums to complain about others spamming the comments to score points. So, Thrixxx threw the baby out with the bath water and made commenting on share items pointless.

    created by HexNacFeegle_1405995580 1 decade ago Who liked this?
  • Yes, the whole Share section is very sad

    The site really needs a lot more user management tools.

    On the one hand i want more notifications, but on the other, I also want less or some tool to manage them.

    For example, if I get a like - The notifications doesn't say which comment, but just takes you to the thread - utterly pointless.

    For your post above, I got two notifications: once when you mentioned me and another to say you had commented. Isn't it obvious that in order to mention me, you have to comment?

    'Somebody commented...' Somebody? somebody? Give me the name - jeez.

    Also, give me the option to disable notifications on individual threads.

    I could go on and on....

    created by Osprey 1 decade ago Who liked this?
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#PinkElephant #SiteUpdate #site-issues #Management @Dirty-Six

While you're working on the search function on the share side, could you also look at going back to including the item name and the creator's name in the download title?

If you download several things, you end up with a lot of item numbers, which tells you squat when it's time to install them. I may see several things that I want to use for future projects, so I don't install them until I'm ready for them. I either have to guess, or add the names myself when I download. This is inefficient, as well as a pain in the ass!

The old naming convention was much more user-friendly, and didn't require "fixing". I realize that you guys don't actually use the game in the same way that your customers do, so you wouldn't know - just ask, we'll be happy to provide input BEFORE you make needless changes that frustrate those of us that actually use your product.

Thank you for your consideration!

  • @boomer74 I do it like you I install later. The designation only with numbers is really not very helpful. Please modify.

    created by littlefighter 1 decade ago Who liked this?
  • @boomer74 yes, this was also requested earlier and is already on our todo list for the next gamerotica update

    created by Dirty-Six 1 decade ago
  • @Dirty-Six Please provide the date for the next gamerotica update. If you do not have a date for the next gamerotica update, please provide a date when you have such a date. Without these dates, this information you have provided is useless as the next update could be six months from now and it appears you are going to do an update without any plan, testing, back up plan if things go wrong or being accountable and professional in general.

    created by Mouse 1 decade ago Who liked this?
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