It's Friday Mali and the child are out of town... So screw the whole thing. I uploaded a set of a couple of my characters getting it on. enjoy.
First one is #Kara because apparently im stuck on her ATM.
second and third features #Kamirie because. I would seriously try to wreck her but she'd kill me.
So yeah i guess #FapFriday will be a day i upload OOC stuff because fanservice is cool.
@Hobbes Awesome shots my friend Igu ( Hobbes )! Good to see Kara gettin some!
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Set 2 @Hobbes Very hot scene my friend! Hey I recognize that mohawk
Fantastic shots!
Set3 @Hobbes Super sets my friend! Very cool set up for this last set artistically! Very cool pose work and very hot compilation!
@dragonfyre see what happens when i go unsupervised?
@Hobbes Not a bad thing at all my friend! You are home, beer is going down nice and creativity is flowing...I love the results
Bravo @Hobbes! Even though it's still not canon, I can't help but enjoy seeing Kara finally getting hers. Keep up the great work, and I hope you stay stuck on Kara, because I'm stuck on her.
Ach muss Liebe schön sein!!! Wenn ich groß bin, will ich auch ma lieben!!! *grins*
@Hobbes *wow* This is ... *wow*!!