
#Temp #ronatemp #IndependenceDay

Happy 4th of July to all my American friends, and a belated Happy Canada Day to all my Canadian friends!

#Temp #ronanow #IndependenceDay

Happy Independence Day from Rona and me (and Sara of course) to our American cousins here in GE Land. Have a blast folks!

#Temp #IndependenceDay #sarakalu

Happy Independence Day to all our American Cousins!

#Temp #sarakalu #IndependenceDay

Sara would like to wish all her fellow Americans (and I my American cousins) a Happy July 4th! Have a great day buddies.

#Temp #VampireRona #VampRita #SaraKaluPalmer #IndependenceDay

Happy Independence Day (or rather, night) to our American cousins, from our vampire ladies and their love Sara.

BT3 pages are being worked on!

#Temp #sarakalu #IndependenceDay

Happy Independence Day to all our American Cousins... hope you have a fun filled day free of strife and trouble and instead enjoy lots of bourbon, buds. hot dogs and rock and roll! Or, as Sara says... "Be at peace mah Americ'han brethren, a'hnd remember what y'all s'hanged up for with the founding fathers. Don't make me come over there a'hnd kick your ass."

Well, you don't really want to upset her, do you!?!

  • Thank you ! maybe in future there will be a happy brexit day

    created by coffeeWhore64 7 years ago Who liked this?
  • ha ha Not sure this lot in Govt even know what that is @coffeeWhore64 x

    created by thisisatemp 7 years ago Who liked this?
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