#Temp #avengingrona #VengeanceQuest #Crisis #HellfireSaga
Vengeance Quest P99 (last of 10 pages for tonight and epilogue that brings the story to an end... of sorts... see Comments)
The story so far:
5 years ago, the Rona of Earth 10 was seduced, kidnapped and sex trafficked into a drug cartel on the orders of a man she had never met. Finally she was rescued by Mandy, a hired assassin and mercenary, who was paid by Rona's ex husband Danny. Rona decided to train with Mandy, to gain vengeance on those who had abused her so. (as told in First Flight https://www.thrixxx.com/profile/126634/thisisatemp/myshares/229113)
Now, after 4 years of dismantling the evil empire of her antagonist, she came face to face with him. But the shocking truth behind her nemesis has opened up a whole new search for vengeance... and added the complication of another Elena, the doppelganger of the young woman Rona failed to save on her Earth...
In the final showdown, Rona was betrayed by Mandy, who was never a prisoner of Kevin and instead part of an elaborate plot to murder a member without suspicion falling on the Club. Rona killed Mandy but not before being fatally wounded and having to enter the veil between realities in order to survive...
Office Raid: Hellfire Saga Book 1 (https://www.thrixxx.com/profile/126634/thisisatemp/myshares/292881)
Meanwhile, on Earth 9. Rona and her best friend Talia, have been kidnapped by her evil ex, Kevin James, and trapped on Hellfire Island, the secret base of the legendary and infamous Hellfire Society. How these two stories. and others, are connected became clear in:
The Hellfire Saga (https://www.thrixxx.com/profile/126634/thisisatemp/myshares/270397)
The Kevin James cross over with Demonia is intriguing...
Awesome sexy hot dirty work as always. thanks for your efforts
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Not exactly sure when all this started- I know I've been with 3DSV since the early days- but at some point, well over 10 years ago and on the original GE site, I did a single panel at a time story called Timestorm, in which Ronas from differents points in her timeline, were first brought together (and had lots of sex) and then were thrown into different eras. The story introduced Sara Kalu (who was supposed to die) and led to the creation of The Lady Detective Agency series.
I always had the Crisis idea in mind, but Timestorm added the Saraverse into the mix as well, & a whole host of other characters. The storytelling at the time was basically an image, with the story told in the comment box. Now that I am much more sophisticated (!) in my storytelling, I am about to redo it (and another from that time, Demonia's Revenge).
However, because of concerns about Thrixx and the future, I am going to get all the panels first, over the next few weeks, for Timestorm Redeux -
... and 6 other stories, before I put the actual stories together. I will still be posting pics and updates of course, but I have to make sure everything is in place, just in case Thrixxx do pull the plug. I can't imagine anything worse than being 10 pages from the end and suddenly no more 3dSV2!
So bear with me whilst I beaver away at the 10000 images I will need to make before I put the stories together lol -
PS and if you're wondering why this Rona Byron looks familiar, she is, of course, the Time Mistress... and in the new version of Timestorm, we (and she) will finally find out the true origin of her powers...
PPS VERY surprised no one caught the full name of Elena and the significance of who she is... a very special no-prize to who ever comes up with a correct theory lol
Cheers @darkerdavid - the twists have only just begun...
Another epic segment. As always, great storytelling and plenty to get our heads round.
wow...epic..still processing