#FyreAndWatter New Cover for Opposites Attract
Now that Fyre and Watter Opposites Attract has been completed, I thought it might be nice to update the Folder Cover in my Shared items. This is the shot before adding the Text.
Most excellent, @dragonfyre! (Well, except for the whole no-nudity thing........)
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LOL @boomer74.....i will see if I can't rectify that in the near future ;P
No worries, @dragonfyre - the stories stand on their own. Besides, it's not like we're at a sex site or anything!
That's an excellent pose for a cover shot. It will be cool to see the font etc that you choose for the finished product.
@boomer74 Make sure you tell @dragonfyre that we want to see Tamara nude not @dragonfyre.
Thanks buddy @Max_33....I kept it in line with the Logo I eventually settled on for Fyre and Watter ...It is called Pristina and I really like the look of it
@boomer74...please tell @HexNacFeegle...it may be a package deal lol
No, no package deals! We'd prefer them to both remain chaste if that is the only option!
TOUGH @boomer74 You WANTED NUDITY...then you will DAMN well get it...quit ur Bitchin !!! ;P
Actually she is damn sexy with her clothes on@dragonfyre
I feel the same way my friend @killerkane...she has been on the site for over a year now and the only pics of her naked are a few done by friends and one bottomless one for a friend of mine by request....the time is coming.....but I totally agree...she is very sexy either way
nice cover my friend