"All this time I looked back on that time.. and I think about how it all ended.." - Ariel Simon
I hope you all enjoy a sneak peak of what's to come within the next few pages As well as Ms Ariel Simon herself. High definition shot from this game with ENB I adjusted a little more. No edits.
Ariel is stunning as always..as is what's on the other end of her quote..and there's only one way to find out what it is....
P.S. Yes, the Rival is continuing beyond the 10th page, this(Ripple Effect) will come first though.
#RippleEffect #ItsBack #WhatTime #FindOut #ComingSoon
Very much looking forward to seeing Ripple Effect continuing on....that being said...having seen your script for The Rival...there is need for you to clone yourself lol....Love them both
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Okay. Ariel needs to walk around with a "Looking at me can cause bloodrush dizziness. Please remain calm and normal sensations will return when I have left the building."
great shot