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Great news for those of you following the progress of Castle #Cumalott. My good friend @AndreaNick has completed the multiposes and instructions for the iconic Round Bed. We have poses $ multiposes for up to 8 people and hope to get a full blown orgy going on this bed next time I open the castle for what might be the last test.

Hope lots of you show up to help me test it.

booboofinger posted on AndreaNick's XStream

Thanks for the poses my friend! Now all we need is a full blown orgy to test the bed. Hopefully this Saturday I can open #Cumalott again.

  • i hope to be there for the test... so if there were any problems or improvements I immediately take note.

    created by AndreaNick 4 years ago Who liked this?


It's that time of the week again. Tomorrow, Castle Cumalott will open again for another test.
Doors open around !3:00 CET and will remain open for as long as there are people in it.


Of course no trip to Cumalott is complete without a little servicing at the Sinsteen Chapel.


No need to find a room in Cumalott, You can always have sex in the hallways.


Seems like the bedchamber with it's infamous bed is becoming a very popular room in Cumalott Castle.

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