#Temp #wooliewednesday #tittiesthursday #Cody
So the bastard Simon has revealed his latest rack on his rack is my adopted niece Cody. I am so gonna have to bust his nuts- and not in a good way!
I wonder who he will have on his rack next week!!!
#Temp #Cody #TittyTuesday
When Cody was having her rebellion against her parents by staying with me, she had this body image issue where she was convinced her boobs were too small...
... so of course, I did the gentlemanly thing to convince her that her boobs were just right!
#Temp #HappyNewYear #Cody
Happy 2021 everyone! Here's to a year where we finally start moving back to a normal life... well, whatever normal is for you anyway. For me, it's getting back on track with my treatment programme so I can a) keep Cody happy and b) get on with my stories here.
Stay safe everyone.
Happy New Year mate !!! Hope it is a wonderful one for you and yours !
#Temp #Cody #Oh-Oh!
A 2nd Message from Me.
Ooooooooooooohh boy, did I get into trouble. Cody was non too happy about me using Sara to give you the update yesterday, especially as it's she (Cody) who has been looking after me in the physical world.
It went along the lines of.... "Danny!" (I knew I was in trouble cos she hardly ever just calls me Danny) -"I can't believe you're using a made up girlfriend to tell everyone you're being looked after!!"
I tried to explain that Sara IS real on many levels, but in the end, I had to concede that Cody had a couple of valid points... very well made!
There is always room for one more in the SV2 doghouse!
#Temp #Cody
Even though she could probably go home now, Cody insists on staying put to take care of me, even though I don't have the heart (or inclination) to tell her my enforced rest up has nothing to do with Covid-19 and my high temperature has more to do with her!
Oh well, there are worse ways to spend recuperating...
Hope everyone is staying safe, I hope to be back with Reality Trap just as soon as I can. In the meantime, have a great weekend everyone.

#Temp #Cody #FellatioFriday #isolationmadness
I let Cody sleep in my bed after her terrible nightmare, hoping and praying my body wouldn't betray me, and evntually I fell asleep. Later that morning however I woke up to find Cody had taken things into her own... hands??
mmm yea titty Tuesday so lets make it a two fer TittyTuesday'