#killerkane @boomer74 #BoobiesForBoomer
Well if this doesn't get his attention, then he musta been captured and is being held for ransom somewhere in the back hills, altho I can't figure who would be willing to more than a buck fifty!
#killerkane @boomer74 @BruceChickenson @Briar27 #BoobiesForBoomer
We need more hot Brunettes, right?
I'd say only in Kentucky, but I fear that may not be so. Appalachia stretches far and wide...
I have some comments. (Yeah, yeah - surprised me too...)
> Guess we know where HE'S been hanging out on Saturday nights!
> Second cousins are already fair game; seems a bit greedy to me...
> This guy is struggling with the concept of "party for family values".
> When I was a teen, my first cousin was hot as hell. I could have been onboard with this development then. She, of course, would have had nothing to do with it - she'd have been dating down about four steps!
> There is absolutely nothing in Kentucky law forbidding relationships with step-siblings! 😁
@boomer74 I have trouble having sex period. these days, but i can still dream about years gone by
Jerry lee Lewis seemed to get away with it back in the day. . Norfolk UK has a reputation for incest, I live here and i can say that this is a myth, however I have met some strange people here which make me wonder.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=biNrKEgg8jg Perhaps he's taking the sentiment a bit too far ........
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Don't worry, @giddyup - this doesn't apply to folks from Buffalo. You can just skip over the border to Canada, where I think they are ALL cousins. Right, @dragonfyre?!? 🤣🤣🤣😁
@killerkane is running an underground express, er, I mean an over-water "tour", for those that may want to skip the line at customs! -
I u wanna Fuck Ur "ppl" i.e. cousins Does it
Really matter how far u are in the family line?
Shit, Whip out yer' Dick & Bare the Bush & Go
For Broke 🤣🤣🤣😁! -
When the incident of deformed babies goes up we will know who to blame! There are REASONS why this has been illegal for so long....has to do with blood factors that are incompatible....but for some reason we have forgotten all that!!
Hey now! The waters too cold up there, I ain't a goin' that direction....now if you want to go to the Caribbean or Tahiti or Bora Bora ?
Comments back
1. I had a cousin that looked like a twin of Brittney Spears back in the day....and NO, never!
2. That guy totally gave up on the concept, sorry, how does scum like this stay in office??
3.He has been spending Saturday nights at his Brother/Sisters house apparently! And musta got caught! So he's not being greedy as much as GUILTY! -
lol @killerkane!
Brittney Spears back-in-the-day look-alike? I totally would have fucked your cousin!
Yes, and the bro has a shotgun! -
That’s politics for you. Well we have a bill that we pushed that says having sex with a cousin isn’t insest…. What about 2nd, 3rd and fourth? Etc, etc, etc?
You do have my curiosity Boomer. Is there currently a law in Kentucky that says consenting adults even if their cousins can’t have sex?
There is a law in Kentucky, @BubblesGum, that makes incest (regardless of consent) illegal, and it includes which combinations are considered incestuous, like parents, siblings, grandparents, etc., etc., blah, blah, blah and does include 'first cousin'. Second, third, etc. cousin is not considered incest.
This guy wants to remove first cousin from the list so it would no longer be considered incest. (and therefore legal).
#killerkane @boomer74 #BoobiesForBoomer #TinyTittyTuesday
Well she had to start somewhere I suppose!
Tammy is here : https://www.thrixxx.com/gamerotica/item/9781678
#killerkane #BoobiesForBoomer @boomer74
Tammy Wilder
Reworked Amy Woodward by @NewGuy. She turned out!
LOL @boomer74 I'm afraid to say. All my female cousins that were hotties packed a six guns and a Winchesters and papa had a 12 gauge. (moral to that story) Is you could look but don't touch...if you know what go for ya !!